BAL and Gas Management Aceh

By: Pri Agung Rakhmanto
Enactment of Law Number 11 Year 2006 concerning Aceh Government has a lot to change in the organization of community life in all areas of Aceh. One of them is a significant natural resource management, specifically including management of oil and gas (oil).

As stated in Article 160 Paragraph 1 BAL, the Government of Aceh now has the authority to manage oil and gas resources along with the Central Government. In Paragraph 2 of Article the same then mentioned that in order to take over management of the oil and gas, the Central Government and Aceh may designate or establish an agency for implementing the set together.

In the context of the national oil and gas management, especially regarding the authority and local involvement, the provisions of this BAL is one of the true fruit of the struggle of the Acehnese who take dozens of years and claimed thousands of casualties. Achieving this valuable should best be used wisely by the Government and Parliament of Aceh so that the existing oil and gas resources in Aceh really give you the benefit and prosperity of the real and big as possible for the people of Aceh.

One 'test' the first who is now facing the Government and Parliament of Aceh was found in the case management of oil and gas at Block A. Block A is located in Kuala Langsa until wanderer Cut, is a region rich in oil and gas, which in its development is currently performed by the Contractor Cooperation Contract (KKKS) PT. Medco E & P Indonesia, along with consortium partners. Medco contract on Block A will expire on August 31, 2011. 'Exam' is meant here related decisions Medco contract extension on Block A is: Is the Government and Parliament should approve the contract extension Aceh Medco in Block A as soon as possible before the contract expires or is better to suspend approval of a contract extension until the publication of the Implementing Regulation (PP) from BAL-possible that there will be a basic implementation of the formation of oil and gas implementing agency for Aceh region.

The first option, approve a contract extension as soon as possible, it can be said is an option that provides certainty and clarity to all existing stakeholders. For the Government and Parliament of Aceh, and also the people of Aceh as a whole, more obvious certainty that there is local revenue streams from oil and gas production revenue sharing funds will be obtained from the more immediate contract extension. From here the Government and Parliament of Aceh will be able to make the planning of development programs on the basis of standards that are relatively more controlled and more measured. The same is true for the central government, where state revenues derived from oil and gas concessions in part also depend on Block A of this. For Medco, this certainty will also be very useful for planning and realization of investments. The faster certainty Block A contract extension was obtained, the sooner Medco can realize the investment, which in turn will be the sooner the economic benefits from the development of Block A, this can be felt all the existing stakeholders. It is worth to note here, has more than 30 years since the potential for oil and gas in Block A is found (approximately year 1972), its development faces many obstacles, especially for a relatively marginal economic value (the gas reserves are just over 343 BSCF) and the high level of investment risk existing. One aspect which by some is seen as 'weak point' of this first option is extended only if the contract has not been formed when oil and gas implementing agency for Aceh region, the authorities feared that oil and gas management will remain in the hands of central government and not in the hands of Aceh own.

The second option, suspend the approval of a contract extension until waiting for the PP from the BAL, especially oil and gas waiting for the establishment of the implementing agency for Aceh region, the consequences on the uncertainty in various aspects. PP of PA Act certainly can not just issue merely because the urge to take immediate decisions about extending the contract of Block A. The issuance of PP requires careful study and consideration and comprehensive. Formation of oil and gas implementing agency for Aceh region, if the reference to Article 160 Paragraph 2 above, can also be said is not true is a necessity, but rather an option that might be applied or not in the context of joint management of oil and natural gas between the Central Government and Aceh . In the oil and gas industry practice in many countries, oil management was not always done through an executive body. At the national level, he is also already started rolling ditiadakannya discourse to the possibility of oil and gas implementing agency, because in many aspects deemed not conducive enough for the overall management of oil and gas sector. In other words, although the second option seems to promise something more, especially in terms of 'managing authority', the element of uncertainty regarding when to establish it is also high. Need to be a common concern that oil and gas contractor, whoever it was, a foreign national or a clear-needed certainty to be willing to invest. In the meantime, your investment today, especially when associated with oil and gas exploration and production activities, also would not directly produce results right now, so time becomes an important aspect in this regard.

Observing the development of Block A case until today, at least as preached Porch (May 18, 2010), that of meeting the Governor of Aceh Irwandi Yusuf and Speaker of the House of Aceh Hasbi Abdullah on May 17, 2010 and then, it was agreed that the Medco contract in Block A is extended with terms -no adverse Aceh and Medco will follow later when the PP Gas-approved, what can be said to be decided is actually quite appropriate.

In this case, the positive side of the first option, namely the certainty that anticipated problems of all stakeholders, have been met, and the positive side of the second option, namely concern to management authority by the Aceh problem, also have been accommodated relative. With the approval of Block A contract extension soon, but this conditional, it can be said that the Government and people of Aceh will still be reaping the benefits from the development of Block A is a more certain, without having to worry that the management authority will not be in the hands of Aceh. Without the oil and gas implementing agency for Aceh region also, with the provisions of Article 160 BAL, was so clear that the Government of Aceh-Aceh-with the approval of the Parliament has the authority to manage oil and gas resources.

* The writer is the observer of Energy, Executive Director ReforMiner Institute.

Wrong Understanding Carbon Leuser

(Response to Yusra Habib Abdul Gani)
By: Muhammad Taufik Hidayat
IN his writings on the Porch (Monday, July 5, 2010) Yusra Habib Abdul Gani (YHAG) has been highly critical questioning where the money designated for conservation and development area of the Leuser. YHAG has resolutely tried to dismantle the public how the funds are received by the Leuser International Foundation (YLI) of cooperation with the World Bank and for what those funds will be used.

It is indeed a critical study of the jerk and awaken us all to question the Leuser it actually belongs to who and to whom and bagaiamana do the best for the people of the Leuser and kemashalatan. My response above YHAG writing does not apply to the issue above. I am more interested to rectify errors shown by YHAG at the beginning of his writing. Regarding what was said by YHAG as "Natural Materials". I contend that what is said to be natural substances such as something that is false and misleading readers remember Porch readers come from various backgrounds and ages. I do not mean to criticize YHAG personally but rather to my responsibility to participate menyadartahukan community about the forest, the environment and its relation to global climate change.

YHAG declare in writing that the Leuser forest area is rich in minerals and is also rich in biodiversity. In addition Leuser also produce substances called by YHAG as a natural substance sprayed by the Leuser forest into the air and sucking and dissolve gases such as carbon dioxide from industrial waste that is harmful to the stability of world climate. Furthermore YHAG also states that a substance that is the reason why the Leuser area became an important area to be maintained. And most importantly YHAG states that this substance only in the Leuser area and not found in other areas such as the Amazon forest in the Southern American continent. What was stated by YHAG above is an erroneous understanding about global climate change. Leuser region is important that the lungs of the world as it is the thing that is undeniable, but how these ecosystems can be a logical explanation is not important as we are told by YHAG.

In my opinion, the reason for preservation of the Leuser in relation to global warming and climate change there are two things. First, is to avoid the destruction of forests due to deforestation or land use change (deforestation). The destruction of forests causes massive release of carbon into the air. Carbon stored in stems, leaves and roots will regardless of whether because of fire or because the chemical processes in nature. The second reason is to maintain the Leuser Ecosystem remain sustainable means to improve its ability to absorb and store carbon dioxide from the air into plant parts (stems, twigs, leaves and roots) for long periods of time, known as forest carbon sequestration. And all green plants photosynthesise that we know have the ability to absorb carbon. So it is not true to say that only the Leuser forest that is capable of absorbing carbon as all forests can do and even a mango tree in my yard is doing it.

Greenhouse Effect
Talking about climate change can not be released from the terms of green house gases (GHG). Many people think that the greenhouse effect (green house effect) is the effect caused by the many buildings that use window / wall of glass. In fact, it is misguided and not for granted. In our atmosphere, there are several gases that are trapping heat from solar radiation, causing effects such as in greenhouses where the heat trapped inside the glass so that the air war became hot. These gases affect temperatures on earth. The higher the concentration of these gases in the air, the higher the ability to save gas this summer that resulted in even more hot air temperature around us.

Greenhouse gases that include carbon dioxide gas, methane and nitrosoksida (NOx) and carbon hello. Carbon dioxide is a gas that is considered most responsible for the increase in air temperature because 85% of greenhouse gases from carbon dioxide (data from European Union countries in 2005). This carbon typically comes from fossil fuel burning and deforestation (destruction-deforestation). This means less fuel use, the less amount of carbon dioxide release into the air. Similarly, more sustainable forest without defaced, the less amount of carbon gas released into the air. That is the reason why we should maintain ecosystems in a sustainable manner because of the Leuser Leuser damaging means to increase the release of carbon gases into the air. Carbon stored for hundreds of years in the roots and stems Leuser forest land will be released into the air.

Besides keeping fixed the Leuser ecosystem sustainably means improving the ability of forests to absorb carbon from the air. All the time every tree in the Leuser forest will absorb carbon through photosynthesis. Sugar or carbohydrates are formed from the partial results will be stored as body tissue, leaves, roots, twigs, branches and stems. Litter at the base of the eternal forests also store carbon from the air. This is what is popular is called a forest carbon sequestration or carbon absorption by forest.

Leuser Ecosystem ability to absorb carbon is very admirable. According to the report "Global Eco Rescue", the Leuser ecosystem can absorb 760 tonnes of CO2e (carbon dioxide gas equivalent) per hectare per year. With an area of more than one million hectares imagine how big a role in maintaining the stability of the Leuser ecosystem of the world's climate. However, when this 30% area is threatened by the activities of the Leuser forest destruction (deforestation). Also the next few years (currently in the process and being fought), the potential for carbon stored in the Leuser can be traded on international carbon market. Results of this carbon trading if managed properly without corruption and short-term interests of certain parties would certainly bring benefits to the development of forest communities that participate in protecting and maintaining the preservation of the Leuser forest.

Leuser Ecosystem is important
Finally, I agree with that ecosystem Lueser YHAG is important to maintain because all the people concerned with its existence. It is important to our interests in Aceh and interests of the world community. Our atmosphere that is connected to one another allows the Leuser ecosystem is important to the world that need to be maintained. Therefore, whoever manages the Leuser shall be responsible to both the public selurh Acehnese society and world society.

However, an important value Leuser is not due to "natural gas" as expressed by YHAG, issued by the Leuser forest but because the extraordinary ability of these ecosystems to absorb carbon through the process of forest carbon sequestration. There is no secret that the gas released by the Leuser but a natural process that we have known for a long time since the first high school in the village that is the process of photosynthesis. It is this process that converts carbon from the air into sugars or carbohydrates. Some of these substances used to sustain the life of the tree and partly stored in the form of roots, twigs, stems and leaves. The process of continuous and massive that occurred in the Leuser ecosystem needs to be preserved to maintain the Leuser function as one of the world's lungs. The task for contributing to all of us in it.

* The writer is a student of International Master Programme on Sustainable Development, Brandeis University in Massachusetts, USA.

BI: Reliability Indonesian Economy World Recognized

BI welcomed Indonesia's debt status upgrade by Japan Credit Rating Agency (JCR) until it reaches the level of "Investment Grade" which shows the recognition of the tough economy of Indonesia.

"This rating increase is a reflection of improved rating agency perceptions and assessments of the situation of the Indonesian economy proved resilient.
Predicate "investment grade" will add to confidence of foreign investors to Indonesia.

With the joint efforts of the strategic and focused, this step is believed to be followed by international rating agencies, "said Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia, Hartadi A. Sarwono, in Jakarta, Tuesday.

JCR on July 9 and then improve the rating of Indonesia to achieve the level of "Investment Grade" for long-term debt with foreign currency (foreign currency long-term senior debt) from the previous BB + to BBB-. While for the long-term debt in local currency (local currency long-term senior debt) increases from the beginning of BBB-to BBB with the outlook for each of the "stable".

In a press release, JCR stated that this increase reflects the increasing political and social stability along with the progress in democratization and decentralization in Indonesia, the prospects for sustainable economic growth solidnya supported by domestic demand, and reducing the public debt burden as a result of fiscal management carefully .

In addition, the JCR also considered Indonesia increasingly resilient to external shocks due to accumulation of foreign reserves and increasing capacity for external debt management and recovery efforts undertaken by the Yudhoyono administration to lay the structural framework of the handling problems, especially in infrastructure development.

Principal analyst JCR, Yoshihiko Tamura and Satoshi Nakagawa, believe that Indonesia will maintain the level of relatively high economic growth while maintaining macroeconomic stability and fiscal health in coming years.

JCR last time rating action against Indonesia on July 7, 2009, when the sovereign rating was upgraded to BB + with stable outlook. With this upgraded rating by JCR, the position of the Foreign Currency Long-Term Senior Debt is BBB-/Stable and Local Currency Long-Term Senior Debt are BBB / Stable. (Ant / try/

Majority of Americans Lack of Belief in Obama


Nearly 60 percent of American voters say they lack confidence in President Barack Obama, according to public opinion polls published Tuesday (13 / 7).

The results of the poll Washington Post / ABC News, is the opposite of what voters say the beginning of Obama's presidency 18 months ago when about 60 percent expressed confidence in making his decision.

Trust in Obama is at a new low level but opinion polls still find a higher number than the members of Congress from both major parties of any four months before the upcoming November congressional elections.

When asked for what they have to trust Obama to make the right decisions for the future of the country, 58 percent of respondents said "only some" or "none at all."

Sixty-eight percent expressed the same sentiments about the members of the Democratic Party faction in Congress and 72 percent said the same as from members of the Republican Party.

Washington Post says the problems in the housing industry, a sluggish job growth and other economic issues may take toll on assessments agree on Obama.

Only 43 percent of all Americans, including a third of Democrats now say they approve Obama's duties in the economic field, while 54 percent disapproving.

The poll also proves anti-inkumben with 62 percent of voters say they do not tend to support their current representative. All 435 seats in Congress will be contested in the election of 2 November and 36 of the 100 seats in the Senate.

The Democrats now control Congress but a majority of two smaller assemblies those interviewed said they preferred Republican leaders are watching to check out all of Obama's policies. Poll of 1288 people conducted July 7 to 11 and has a sample error margin plus or minus 3.5 percent. (RTR / hr/

Feeling troubled VP of Character Youths

Vice Presidential candidate Boediono tried to lift bags facer Wilderness Society members and the Mountain Climber Wanadri basic education was interrupted in Situ Lembang, Bandung, West Java, on Tuesday (13 / 7).

Vice President Boediono feel confused on some of those young characters who are used to doing things negative that the government felt it was important to make character education a nation.

"I feel the turmoil of the attitude of future generations," said the Vice President Boediono when meeting with participants of the Basic Education Wanadri Nature Lovers Group, in Lembang, Bandung, on Tuesday.

Debriefing of the event was also attended Head Unit President for Development Supervision and Control (UKP4) Kuntoro Mangkusubroto Wanadri who is a member since 1969.

Boediono, who accompanied Mrs Herawati Boediono said, something is missing or missing in the development of education, especially in the field of national character.
VP tells them that the government and the older generation does not want to leave "a ramshackle machine" to the next generation.

Basic education to 93 participants in 2010, the vice president suggested, despite the physical development of the nation has shown a lot of progress, the nation of character education was not done properly.

"This is not the arrogance of the older generation," said Boediono who came from Bandung by car, but later returned to Bandung using helicopters because the weather improves.

He pointed out, technological advances, especially in the field of information technology should instead encourage the Indonesian people, especially young generations, to prepare themselves both physically and character to build this nation to become better. "It's not indoctrination," said Boediono who was wearing a scarf typical Wanadri.

He said the older generation did not want to dictate to the young generation in building and developing their characters in the face of globalization. Therefore, the Vice President expects Wanadri which is a group of nature lovers who stood up in 1964 to join together to build the nation's character.

Meanwhile, who is a senior figure Kuntoro Wanadri debriefing after the event to members of the group, said the vice president's concern or unhappiness is not intended to direct the young generation.

Kuntoro said Boediono's demise should be considered as a message to the next generation to create and develop characters so that future generations are able to create characters and develop them for the betterment of the country in the future. (Ant/

Secure the forest Illegal Timber

East Aceh, the forest personnel noticed as much as 1.2 tonnes of illegal timber that successfully secured in a special operation (kindergarten, military intelligence), Friday (9 / 7) afternoon, at the Blang area wanderer, District Birem Bayeun. Wood type resin that has now been secured at the local Forestry Office, having successfully brought down from the location of the discovery of about 25 km from the highway. Images recorded, Tuesday (13 / 7). Veranda / ISKANDAR Usman
Langsa - Personnel of the forest under the auspices of Department of Forestry and Plantations East Aceh, again managed to secure as much as 1.2 tonnes of illegal timber in a special operation (kindergarten, military intelligence), which was launched Friday (9 / 7) afternoon, at the Blang area wanderer, District Birem Bayeun . Wood type resin that has now been secured at the local Forestry Office, having successfully brought down from the location of the discovery of about 25 km from the highway.

Head of Estates and the Forestry Department of East Aceh, Ir MP Saifuddin, the Porch, Tuesday (13 / 7), said the confiscated wood is wood that the forest had been cut into small blocks and boards. Wood is secured because it is not clear dukomen and permit logging, although not in the protected forest area.

"Field discovery is very difficult, even some personnel injured in the forest when they want to reduce the taxable wood timber from the hills," said Saif. According to him, during the last few months to do it aggressively action enforcement operation related to the reported rampant illegal logging in the area of East Aceh mountian. However, it gets a lot of obstacles in the field, including the demonstration due to provocation of the timber barons who felt their activities disrupted following the forest operations. Instead, he explained, there is wood that has been confiscated, but could not get down to the office because of intercepted individual citizens.

Even so, Saif admitted, his party continues to work as closely as possible in order to realize the Aceh Green. For that, he fully expected the cooperation of all parties in support of joint action to realize the gap that has been planned felling Governor Irwandi. Concerned with the existence of classical reason, as happened in Blang wanderer, District Bayeun, that the wood harvested for construction of a mosque, then it asked residents to make a letter to the Forestry.

Besides, he adds, during an operation launched by the forest managed to seize 99 sticks kruwing and meranti species from which dihanyutkan via Simpang Clear Tamiang river. Whereas previously the forest also seized four tonnes of wood from the Blang Seunong, Pante Bidari. "In surgery, the forest we still lack the means, hopefully in the future this will be resolved," said Saif. (

PNS Langsa Abandoned Housing Projects

* USD $ 2 Billion Loss Partners More

Development of 500 units of housing for Civil Servants (PNS) in the neighborhood in the hills Pemko Langsa Bujok Seuleumak Paya Village, District Langsa Baroe, reportedly abandoned since the last two years. As a result, partners who have completed a five percent job loss claim to $ 2 billion more. Pemko berjuanji Langsa own party will finalize the housing project's civil servants.

Bardan Abubakar, as the partner managing the construction of houses Pemko Langsa PNS from PT Beuna Benefits, told reporters on Wednesday (7 / 7), said the construction of 500 housing units under the Civil Servants Corps Officer of the Republic of Indonesia (KORPRI) Langsa carried out in accordance with Letter Agreement No. : 1928/2006 Year in 2006.

In the deal, called Abubakar, executive partner willing to build housing for civil servants with a home warranty which will be completed by Civil Servants Pemko Langsa purchased through funds Consideration Agency of Civil Servants Housing Savings (Bapertarum-PNS).

He added, as the executor immediately implement such development, it must use its own capital. A total of 20 units of type 36 houses have been completed and is ready to be occupied with cost USD 2 billion more.

But until 2010, although the agreement been amended several times, but no one else who bought a house civil servants in accordance with the guarantee given by the party which is headed KORPRI Langsa Secretary Pemko Langsa. As a result, partners can not continue its work to complete another 480 housing units.

"This issue has been a protracted and Secretary Langsa a few times already I have met always said he would follow up on complaints that occurred. But until now there is no any response from those concerned, so I felt disadvantaged, "said Abubakar Bardan.

While Secretary Langsa, Syaifullah SH, who also serves as Chairman confirmed KORPRI Langsa journalists some time ago say the current Pemko KORPRI Langsa and are trying to reestablish the cooperation with Bapetarum, so that the development house that civil servants can go smoothly.

During this time, said Secretary, the agreement between the parties Bapetarum Langsa Pemko not made in writing, thus ending the housing construction has stalled. "We really are working to build houses that can be re-worked civil servants. But now we're in communication with the first Bapetarum. So we hope to partner to be patient, "said Secretary Syaifullah. (