18 Thousand Children in Riau Outs

Pekanbaru - MI: Department of Education (Disdik) Riau province estimates 18 thousand children of school age and junior high school level in Riau decided not to continue education.

This figure reaches 20%. But it is still far from the estimated average national dropout who achieve 30% of the total school-age children.

If the presumption is calculated from the 20 percent of school-age children who do not continue every level junior and senior high school, probably around 18 thousand. The children chose not to continue their education to higher education, said the Head of Provincial Education Irwan Effendi Riau in Pekanbaru, Monday (26 / 7).

He explained that the Education Department Riau have the utmost so that school age children in the province can continue the education program. However, due to family characteristics and parents' lack of knowledge, continuing education of school-age children were forced to halt.

"They do not attend school because of the desire itself. It was in the spare time, he said.

Therefore, further Irwan, central and local governments are now trying hard to overcome the problem of dropouts. One of them with socialization intensifies 12-year compulsory education and provide understanding and awareness of the importance of school education for the children to the parents concerned. We hope this national issue can be resolved, "he said. (MI)

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