A total of 1576 applicants (freshman) new 2010/2011 academic year from various regions, Thursday (15 / 7) exams Admission Selection of New Mahaiswa (SPMB) State Islamic University (STAIN) Cot Kala shrine Langsa, which took place in local campuses, in the region Beurandeh, Langsa. The Assistant Chairman for Academic Affairs STAIN Cot Kala shrine, Drs H Basri, Ibrahim MA, through the Secretary of the exam committee SPMB prospective new students, Muhibuddin SAG said the 1576 students who followed the majoring SPMB consists of MT, Shari'a, the Islamic Broadcasting and Communications (KPI).
The details of students who take exams, he said, that is for the majors Tarbiyah Prodi Islamic Religious Education (PAI), 313 people, Arabic Education (PBA) 122 people, Mathematics Education (PMA) 443 plebe, and Prodi English Education (PBI) 346 people. The total number for 1224 freshman majoring in MT. Muhibuddin continue, for department KPI, the number of students who follow SPMB numbered 40 people. While Prodi Mua'malah for majors Sharia (MU) accounted for 279 people, plus Ash-syakhsiyah majors (the U.S.) as much as 33 people. "The total number of participants this year SPMB Langsa STAIN 1576 prospective students, while the quota admission this academic year approximately 1225 students," said Muhibuddin.
He said that the total number of prospective students during the opening of registration reached 1700, but the follow SPMB only 1576 people. SPMB test materials conducted for prospective students, Thursday (15 / 7) include, the test substance, Indonesian, Arabic, English, mathematics, general knowledge and religious knowledge. Previously, the plebe has also participated the Qur'an reading test as a requirement for follow SPMB bias for those who passed reading the Koran. (Is)