HGU PTPN-I soon Measured

Related Penegerian Unsam
After a rumored process penegerian Ocean University (Unsam) Langsa, threatened due to the lack of agreement between the parties and Pemko Langsa PTPN I linked the release of land right (HGU) PTPN I garden area covering 50 hectares, now Pemko Langsa with BPN, Unsam, PTPN- I, as well STAIN Cot Kala shrine, immediately take measures to HGU penegerian process in question.

"The letter we have received, signed by Assistant Government Pemko Langsa, Drs Zainal Arifin MSP, 591.1/1609 number dated July 19, 2010. According to the information in this week likely will be measured, "said Rector Unsam Langsa, Ir Bachtiar Aaron, MSc, to the Porch, Monday (26 / 7).

According to Rector Unsam, letters concerning the measurement of land areas are also addressed to the party-I and STAIN PTPN Cot Kala shrine. Earlier, Minister of State Enterprises Sofyan Djalil by mail Number: S-773/MBU/2009 October 19, 2009, had approved releasing as garden land owned State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are.

Bachtiar Aaron added, in a letter from the land measurement Pemko also mentioned letter by letter of Regional Head of BPN Aceh submitted to BPN Langsa. In a letter received copies Porch also mentioned, Pemko Langsa through Langsa Land Acquisition Committee has coordinated with the PTPN-I for the plan of plots of land measuring land right (HGU) PTPN-1 is located in the Village Meurandeh, District Langsa Lama.

The land will be used for expansion of area campuses and STAIN Unsam Cot Kala shrine. Therefore, the City Administration in a letter asking the parties to designate competent authorities to follow the measurements referred to the planned activities this week.

For ease of measurement, to PTPN-I asked to be brought along a map location plan which will be released. "This is a step forward in the process of this penegerian. Hopefully, the public expectations of the three districts, namely East Aceh, Langsa, and Aceh Tamiang materialized, "said Aaron Bachtiar.

On that occasion, the Rector Unsam also expect support from all parties for a smooth penegerian three community college districts are pride, particularly local governments, PTPN-I, and also the central government. "May the ideals and hard work during this education will be realized by our children," said Aaron Bachtiar.

As known, according to the provisions of the National Education Ministry (Education Minister), one of the requirements penegerian Unsam proposal, is the availability of land for the campus area of 50 hectares. While the completeness of these penegerian proposal must be received in Jakarta, not later than October 2010. (Serambinews.com)

Areal HGU PTPN-I Segera Diukur

Terkait Penegerian Unsam
Setelah sempat dikabarkan proses penegerian Universitas Samudera (Unsam) Langsa, terancam akibat belum adanya kesepakatan antara pihak PTPN I dan Pemko Langsa terkait pelepasan Hak Guna Usaha (HGU) areal kebun PTPN I seluas 50 hektare, kini Pemko Langsa bersama BPN, Unsam, PTPN-I, serta STAIN Zawiyah Cot Kala, segera melakukan pengukuran areal HGU tersebut untuk proses penegerian dimaksud.

“Surat sudah kami terima, yang ditandatangani oleh Asisten Pemerintah Pemko Langsa, Drs Zainal Arifin MSP, nomor 591.1/1609 tertanggal 19 Juli 2010. Menurut informasi kemungkinan dalam minggu ini akan dilakukan pengukuran,” kata Rektor Unsam Langsa, Ir Bachtiar Harun MSc, kepada Serambi, Senin (26/7).

Menurut Rektor Unsam, surat perihal pengukuran bidang tanah tersebut juga ditujukan kepada pihak PTPN-I dan STAIN Zawiyah Cot Kala. Sebelumnya, Menteri BUMN Sofyan Djalil melalui surat Nomor: S-773/MBU/2009 19 Oktober 2009, sudah meyetujui penglepasan tanah kebun milik Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) tersebut.

Bachtiar Harun menambahkan, dalam surat pengukuran tanah dari Pemko juga disebutkan surat tersebut berdasarkan surat Kepala Wilayah BPN Aceh yang disampaikan kepada BPN Kota Langsa. Dalam surat yang kopiannya diterima Serambi juga disebutkan, Pemko Langsa melalui Panitia Pengadaan Tanah Kota Langsa telah berkordinasi dengan pihak PTPN-I mengenai rencana pengukuran bidang tanah Hak Guna Usaha (HGU) PTPN-1 yang terletak di Gampong Meurandeh, Kecamatan Langsa Lama.

Tanah itu akan digunakan untuk perluasan areal kampus Unsam dan STAIN Zawiyah Cot Kala. Karena itu, Pemko dalam suratnya meminta kepada para pihak untuk menugaskan pejabat yang berwenang guna mengikuti kegiatan pengukuran dimaksud yang direncanakan pada minggu ini.

Untuk memudahkan pengukuran, kepada PTPN-I diminta dapat membawa serta peta rencana lokasi yang akan dibebaskan. “Ini merupakan langkah maju dalam proses penegerian ini. Semoga harapan masyarakat dari tiga kabupaten, yakni Aceh Timur, Kota Langsa, dan Aceh Tamiang terwujud,” kata Bachtiar Harun.

Pada kesempatan itu, Rektor Unsam juga sangat mengharapkan dukungan dari semua pihak untuk kelancaran penegerian perguruan tinggi kebanggaan masyarakat tiga kabupaten tersebut, terutama pemerintah daerah, PTPN-I, dan juga pemerintah pusat. “Semoga cita- cita dan kerja keras selama ini akan terwujud demi pendidikan anak cucu kita,” kata Bachtiar Harun.

Sebagaimana diketahui, sesuai ketentuan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional (Mendiknas), salah satu persyaratan pengusulan penegerian Unsam, adalah tersedianya lahan untuk kampus seluas 50 hektare. Sementara kelengkapan usulan penegerian tersebut sudah harus diterima di Jakarta, paling lambat Oktober 2010.(serambinews.com)

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18 Thousand Children in Riau Outs

Pekanbaru - MI: Department of Education (Disdik) Riau province estimates 18 thousand children of school age and junior high school level in Riau decided not to continue education.

This figure reaches 20%. But it is still far from the estimated average national dropout who achieve 30% of the total school-age children.

If the presumption is calculated from the 20 percent of school-age children who do not continue every level junior and senior high school, probably around 18 thousand. The children chose not to continue their education to higher education, said the Head of Provincial Education Irwan Effendi Riau in Pekanbaru, Monday (26 / 7).

He explained that the Education Department Riau have the utmost so that school age children in the province can continue the education program. However, due to family characteristics and parents' lack of knowledge, continuing education of school-age children were forced to halt.

"They do not attend school because of the desire itself. It was in the spare time, he said.

Therefore, further Irwan, central and local governments are now trying hard to overcome the problem of dropouts. One of them with socialization intensifies 12-year compulsory education and provide understanding and awareness of the importance of school education for the children to the parents concerned. We hope this national issue can be resolved, "he said. (MI)

Official Entry victims of Islamic apostasy

MEULABOH - Three victims of apostasy and silting creed, each alias Nonong Ernawista Bustamam bint (27), villagers Suak Seumaseh, Juwita bint Karman, Geudeubang Suak Village residents, as well as Cut Susinilawati (18), on Sunday (25 / 7) around 20:30 o'clock am officially converted to Islam again after saying the two-sentence confession of faith.

Pensyahadatan third woman to be guided by the Chairman of the Consultative Assembly of Ulama (MPU) of West Aceh, Tgk Abdurrani in musala Pendapa Regent of West Aceh. The procession was witnessed pensyahadatan Regent Ramli MS, Sekdakab Banta Puteh, dozens of officials, and hundreds of residents. When the three victims said he promised to return to the religion of Islam kafah, after previously involuntarily baptized as a Christian congregation, all three come to tears. Community who witnessed the procession was powerless to hold back emotion.

The victim's apostasy is also vows that he knowingly, without coercion from any party, return to Islam. They also apologized to the entire community of West Aceh due to their actions, thus disturbing the local community in general and even Aceh. After one by one to say the creed, the three women had greeted the audience. Again unstoppable sobs upon the return of the three victims were converted into their parent religion, Islam.

Regent Ramli MS in his speech said, disclosure of the case apostasy and conducted missionary creed of silting in the region, is a slog for all the people of Aceh. Section, the missionaries had succeeded in stealing the hearts one by one the people of Aceh that in fact a Moslem to be included in the Christian religion.

That, said Ramli, it would be very contrary to the law and practice of religious freedom in Indonesia. Regent Ramli MS request to all scholars, government representatives, as well as the various elements of society in Aceh Barat, Aceh Government also, to seriously respond to this issue. He also called on every Muslim / Muslimah in the district to fortify themselves by holding a study group or assembly taklim in every village. "The more we enforce the Islamic religion, then the bigger the challenge that we have received," he said.

On the other hand, the Regent said Ramli, West Aceh district government has also warned all foreign NGOs and local NGOs that are currently running humanitarian missions and education in the area. For English teachers or teachers of other subjects, teaching staff are required to Muslims. "This is to prevent the recurrence of similar cases in the Porch of Mecca," said Ramli.

Resahkan Aceh
Chairman Rabithah Muta'allimin Pidie (RAMPI) Tgk Munadi accompanied by General Secretary Usman, Tgk Mukhtar Syafari to the Porch, Sunday (25 / 7) in a press release states, the actions undertaken apostasy and American missionaries in the region of North Sumatra's western Aceh deserves criticized.

"It is undeniable that such apostasy action has penetrated inland areas of Aceh. Because from the beginning, the action taken apostasy very covert missionaries. Their targets are the lower (underground), "said Muktar. Menengarai Mukhtar, a missionary of action is often conducted in areas of conflict or natural disaster, especially in the areas people live below the poverty line. "For that, we appealed the central government, the Government of Aceh, and stakeholders to immediately dismantle the very troubling actions such apostasy," said Usman Munadi. (serambinews.com)

Residents Fear Use of LPG cylinder

Program size distribution of three-kilogram LPG cylinder in East Aceh district, inviting reactions from the various components of society. Although have got allotment, some people even fear to use these tubes. Some other people ask the central government through Pertamina in order not to send a "bomb" into the homes of people in Aceh.

"We have already heard, already seen on television, how these gas cylinders exploded causing people physical disabilities. The numbers are very much. If on the troubled island of Java, why this should be forced to Aceh, "said Ilyas (34), one resident Bagok, East Aceh, on Saturday (24 / 7) afternoon.

According to the man who never taste of education in IAIN Ar-Raniry this, before there is certainty of safety for three-kilogram LPG cylinder users truly secure, the government should delay the first disbursement. Even so, call Ilyas, a resident there who took it because it is aid, especially for those laymen.

Dikatakannnya, so far there is no certainty whether the victim was a gas explosion will get guarantees from the government or not. Hence the Indonesian Consumers Protection Foundation (YLKI) must pressure the government, to see if this program or not stigmatize.

"I therefore on behalf of the people expect it's time to consider public unrest. Many citizens who have been traumatized to see the case of an explosion at a number of areas in Indonesia. Is this not sufficient as evidence, that this program must be reviewed and monitored appropriately, "he said seriously.

Meanwhile, Chairman of Commission E of the DPRK East Aceh, Muzakkir Jonah, appealed to the distributors and the Government of Aceh should supervise the distribution of three-kilogram LPG cylinder to the public. "Because up until now victims of the explosion of gas cylinders is quite a lot of casualties. We hope that the incident did not occur in East Aceh. Consumer protection laws should really run, "please Muzakkir.

Previously reported, thousands of units of the jar with a gas stove the size of three kilograms of LPG from the government channeled to the community in East Aceh regency. Distribution is a follow-up and conversion efforts (transfer) the use of kerosene to LPG.

Domestic Gas Leaders Pertamina Aceh Region, Robby Khairul Jasmi, to the delivery and distribution of gas cylinders in packs Birem Rayeuk Village, District Birem Bayeun, Monday (19 / 7) said the distribution of stoves and LPG cylinder to the people of East Aceh numbered about 86 771 units. (serambinews.com)

Warga Takut Gunakan Tabung Elpiji

Program penyaluran tabung elpiji ukuran tiga kilogram di Kabupaten Aceh Timur, mengundang reaksi dari berbagai komponen masyarakat. Meski sudah mendapat jatah, sebagian warga malah ketakutan menggunakan tabung tersebut. Sebagian warga lain meminta Pemerintah Pusat melalui Pertamina agar jangan mengirim “bom” ke rumah warga di Aceh.

“Kita sudah dengar, sudah lihat di tivi, bagaimana tabung gas ini meledak yang menyebabkan warga cacat fisik. Angkanya pun sangat banyak. Jika di Pulau Jawa bermasalah, kenapa ini harus dipaksakan ke Aceh,” kata Ilyas (34), salah seorang warga Bagok, Aceh Timur, Sabtu (24/7) siang.

Menurut pria yang pernah mengecap pendidikan di IAIN Ar-Raniry ini, sebelum ada kepastian keamanan bagi pengguna tabung elpiji tiga kilogram benar-benar terjamin, seharusnya pemerintah menunda dulu penyalurannya. Pun demikian, sebut Ilyas, warga ada yang mengambilnya karena itu bersifat bantuan, apalagi bagi mereka orang awam.

Dikatakannnya, sampai sejauh ini belum ada kepastian apakah korban ledakan gas ini akan mendapat jaminan dari pemerintah atau tidak. Makanya Yayasan Perlindungan Konsumen Indonesia (YLKI) harus menekan pemerintah, untuk melihat apakah program ini mencelakan atau tidak.

“Karena itu saya atas nama rakyat mengharapkan sudah saatnya keresahan masyarakat harus diperhatikan. Warga banyak yang trauma melihat kasus ledakan di sejumlah wilayah di Indonesia. Apakah ini tidak cukup sebagai bukti, bahwa program ini harus ditinjau dan diawasi dengan sebaik- baiknya,” katanya serius.

Sementara itu, Ketua Komisi E DPRK Aceh Timur, Muzakkir Yunus, menghimbau kepada distributor dan Pemerintah Aceh harus melakukan pengawasan terhadap pembagian tabung gas elpiji tiga kilogram kepada masyarakat. “Karena selama ini korban ledakan tabung gas tersebut cukup banyak menelan korban. Kita berharap, semoga kejadian itu tidak terjadi di Aceh Timur. Undang-undang Perlindungan konsumen harus benar-benar dijalankan,” harap Muzakkir.

Sebelumnya diberitakan, ribuan unit tabung beserta kompor gas elpiji ukuran tiga kilogram mulai disalurkan pemerintah kepada masyarakat di Kabupaten Aceh Timur. Pendistribusian tersebut merupakan tindak lanjut dan upaya konversi (pengalihan) penggunaan minyak tanah ke elpiji.

Pimpinan Gas Domestik Pertamina Wilayah Aceh, Robby Khairul Jasmi, pada penyerahan dan pendistribusian paket perdana tabung gas di Desa Birem Rayeuk, Kecamatan Birem Bayeun, Senin (19/7) mengatakan pendistribusian kompor dan tabung gas elpiji kepada masyarakat Aceh Timur berjumlah sekitar 86.771 unit.(serambinews.com)

Request for Council Assistance Team Respect Constitution

Plan calls Assistance Team members (TA), East Aceh Regent by the Special Committee (Special Committee), East Aceh DPRK, associated development center which is scheduled to rule today Monday (26 / 7), the TA requested that the Special Committee appreciates the constitution, by first asking permission from the regents. Therefore, assistance team under the regents, not like SKPD DPRK notabenenya as partners in supervision, budgeting, and legislation.

The suggestion was submitted in July Fuadi SH, one of East Aceh Regent Assistance Team, which confirmed Porch, Thursday (22 / 7) afternoon. "We appreciate the DPRK within this committee, is associated with complex administration polemic. But please as a member of the council and the committee is to understand the correct process of the constitution that governs it, "he said.

It said in July, with the assistance team differs SKPD head. If SKPD council's partners in terms of budgeting, oversight and legislation. While assistance team directly under the regents.

That is, said in July, when inviting members of the assistance team, should ask permission from the regents to attend. "The statement I am pleased to not to avoid, but the committee is to better understand to appreciate the regents, as an institution. It's a state law, means that there are procedures, "he said.

In addition, the brightness, even if the invitation was delivered to his side, he asked to be sent to where they work, as in the marquee. He said, conveyed the invitation to the Special Committee for Radio mobile Kuneng instead. "I have not finished the announcer there, as well as the Kawthar. I submit this as a good faith to the community, that the constitution is important to be respected, "compression.

When asked whether it would meet the special committee invitation?, July confess, in principle, he and his teammates have in good faith to resolve and explain in accordance with the legal authority that owned it.

"To attend, we can not decide now, but please respect the formal legal process. Fortified power law, if there is no law, no power anything. We still see the political will of the committee in resolving this issue, "said July.

So also when alluded to material questions will be asked the Special Committee, in July confessed not knowing what questions submitted to it later. However, based on the agenda for the invitation, just like confirmation only.

He also explained that the allegation about the involvement of the assistance team makes the government center building project stalled. By July, there is to know is, there are legal powers that the authority of his party or not.

"The team was involved in assisting the development process to oversee, encourage, and evaluate as assistance to the regents. If the cause of the accusation directed to halt our development centers, must be seen in the tendering process there are mechanisms and contract. Now it should be viewed as a whole and not piecemeal, "he said.

Previously reported, the team of a special committee (committee), East Aceh DPRK will call the Assistance Team and the Joint Authorization for Executive Director Lince Romauli Raya PT-PT Trillion Glory International (TGI). Both parties considered responsible for the construction of the project has stalled in the location of the government center, located in East Aceh Titi Baro village, Idi Rayeuk district.

In a letter of invitation (invitation only) No. 1382/005 and 1383/005, signed coordinator of the Special Committee, mentioned three names Mirnawati assistance team that will be called, each Faisal Saifuddin, July Fuadi, and Kausar. Meanwhile, for the power of the executive director of PT Lince Romauli KSO Raya PT Trillion Glory International namely Paul Congratulations Wijaya. (serambinews.com)

Tim Asistensi Minta Dewan Hargai Konstitusi

Rencana pemanggilan anggota Tim Asistensi (TA) Bupati Aceh Timur oleh Panitia Khusus (Pansus) DPRK Aceh Timur, terkait pembangunan pusat pemerintahan yang dijadwalkan hari ini Senin (26/7), kalangan TA meminta agar Pansus menghargai konstitusi, dengan terlebih dahulu meminta izin dari bupati. Sebab, tim asistensi berada di bawah bupati, bukan seperti SKPD yang notabenenya sebagai mitra DPRK dalam pengawasan, budgeting, dan legislasi.

Saran tersebut disampaikan Juli Fuadi SH, salah seorang Tim Asistensi Bupati Aceh Timur, yang dikonfirmasi Serambi, Kamis (22/7) siang. ”Kami menghargai DPRK dalam hal ini Pansus, terkait dengan polemik komplek pemerintahan. Tetapi tolong sebagai anggota dewan dan Pansus untuk memahami betul proses konstitusi yang mengatur tentang itu,” katanya.

Dikatakan Juli, tim asistensi berbeda dengan para kepala SKPD. Jika SKPD memang mitra dewan dalam hal budgeting, pengawasan, dan legislasi. Sementara tim asistensi berada langsung di bawah bupati.

Artinya, kata Juli, ketika mengundang anggota tim asistensi, sebaiknya meminta izin kepada bupati untuk hadir. “Pernyataan ini saya sampaikan bukan untuk menghindari, tapi Pansus agar lebih memahami untuk menghargai bupati, sebagai institusi. Ini kan negara hukum, berarti ada prosedurnya,” ungkapnya.

Selain itu, terangnya, jika pun undangan itu disampaikan kepada pihaknya, ia meminta agar dikirim ke tempat mereka bekerja, seperti di pendopo. Kata dia, undangan yang disampaikan Pansus malah ke Radio Cempala Kuneng. ”Saya kan belum jadi penyiar di sana, begitu juga dengan Kausar. Saya sampaikan ini sebagai itikad baik kepada masyarakat, bahwa konstitusi penting untuk dihargai,” tekannya.

Saat ditanya apakah pihaknya akan memenuhi undangan pansus?, Juli mengaku, pada prinsipnya dia dan rekan-rekan tim memiliki itikad baik untuk menyelesaikan dan menjelaskan sesuai dengan kewenangan hukum yang dimiliki pihaknya.

“Untuk menghadirinya, belum bisa kami putuskan sekarang, tetapi tolong dihargai proses hukum yang formil. Kekuasaan itu dibentengi hukum, kalau tidak ada hukum, kekuasaan tidak ada apa-apa. Kita masih melihat political will Pansus dalam menyelesaikan masalah ini,” ujar Juli.

Begitu juga saat disinggung materi pertanyaan yang akan diajukan Pansus, Juli mengaku belum mengetahui pertanyaan apa yang diajukan nanti kepada pihaknya. Namun, berdasarkan agenda undangan, hanya seperti konfirmasi saja.

Ia juga menjelaskan, soal tudingan keterlibatan tim asistensi yang membuat proyek pembangunan pusat pemerintahan terhenti. Menurut Juli, yang harus diketahui adalah, ada kewenangan hukum yang menjadi kewenangan pihaknya atau tidak.

“Tim asistensi memang terlibat dalam proses pembangunan untuk mengawal, mendorong, dan mengevaluasi sebagai asistensi bupati. Kalau tudingan penyebab terhenti pusat pembangunan diarahkan ke kami, harus dilihat dalam proses tender ada mekanisme dan kontraknya. Nah itu harus dilihat secara utuh dan tidak sepotong-sepotong,” katanya.

Sebelumnya diberitakan, tim panitia khusus (Pansus) DPRK Aceh Timur akan memanggil Tim Asistensi serta Kuasa Direktur Pelaksana KSO PT Lince Romauli Raya- PT Trillion Glory International (TGI). Kedua pihak itu dianggap bertanggung jawab terhadap terhentinya proyek pembangunan lokasi pusat pemerintahan Aceh Timur yang terletak di Desa Titi Baro, Kecamatan Idi Rayeuk.

Dalam surat panggilan (undangan) Nomor 1382/005 dan 1383/005 yang ditandatangani koordinator Panitia Khusus, Mirnawati disebutkan tiga nama tim asistensi yang akan dipanggil, masing-masing Faisal Saifuddin, Juli Fuadi, dan Kausar. Sementara untuk kuasa direktur pelaksana KSO PT Lince Romauli Raya PT Trillion Glory International yakni Paulus Selamat Wijaya.(serambinews.com)

Drainage in Langsa Stoppers

Each rain flooded roads

Most of the waste water drainage channels in the region now Langsa City stopper. Consequently, any rain just a few tens of minutes of many roads in the area flooded. The government is expected to overcome the problem of rain water flooding.

Porch observations, during the time when it was raining in the downtown area, then around the Merdeka Square, Jalan Sudirman, Post Office Home and Office Bappeda Aceh Timur, Jalan Protocol, Simpang Tugu until Gampong Teungoh Langsa mayor's residence, is always flooded rain .

"The cause of standing water because most of the drainage in the central city has been stoppers Lansga caused a pile of garbage," said one resident Langsa. Residents are added, the pool of water that occurs every rain has also caused damage to several roads. Some of the asphalt road has been torn. "Governments need to improve drainage bung. If not, then peeled off the road due to a pool of water will gradually widened and will be swimming in the streets, "he added. (Serambinews.com)

Drainase di Langsa Sumbat

Tiap Hujan Jalan Digenangi Air
Sebagian besar saluran drainase pembuangan air di kawasan Langsa Kota kini sumbat. Akibatnya, setiap hujan mengguyur beberapa puluh menit saja banyak jalan di kawasan ini digenangi air. Pemerintah diharapkan mengatasi masalah banjir air hujan tersebut.

Amatan Serambi, selama ini apabila terjadi hujan di daerah pusat kota, maka di sekitar Lapangan Merdeka, Jalan Sudirman, Depan Kantor Pos, dan Kantor Bappeda Aceh Timur, Jalan Protokol, Simpang Tugu hingga Gampong Teungoh tempat kediaman Wali Kota Langsa, selalu digenangi air hujan.

“Penyebab genangan air karena sebagian besar drainase di pusat Kota Lansga ini telah sumbat akibat tumpukan sampah,” kata seorang warga Langsa. Warga tersebut menambahkan, genangan air yang terjadi setiap hujan tersebut juga telah mengakibatkan kerusakan sejumlah ruas jalan. Beberapa bagian aspal jalan telah terkelupas. “Pemerintah perlu segera memperbaiki drainase yang sumbat. Jika tidak, maka jalan yang terkelupas akibat genangan air tersebut lambat laun akan melebar dan akan menjadi kolam di jalanan,” imbuhnya.(serambinews.com)

DP Houses PNS Langsa not Paid

Threaten litigation partner Pemko
Until now reported to the City Administration has not paid Langsa DP (down payment) towards the construction of 20 of the 500 units of housing for civil servants in the region Langsa Paya Village Bujok Tunong hill. As a result, the partner has threatened to report cases to law enforcement.

Partners of PT Beuna benefits, Abubakar told reporters on Sunday (25 / 7), said that based on the Letter of Agreement (DSS) which has been agreed by both parties, the implementing partner willing to build 500 housing units provided that civil servants will receive a payment partner DP Rp 10 million housing units have been completed.

But when the house has 20 units completed, and Pemko Langsa Korpri not one penny to pay DP according to the agreement, so that it can not continue the job. "I feel disadvantaged because my money is USD 2 billion more has been spent. While the house has so far remained dormant without the slightest attention from Korpri and Pemko Langsa, "Abubakar said.

According to him, the SPK has been quite clearly identified the source of its development funds from fund-PNS Bapetarum facilities. "But why Pemko Langsa Korpri and only now trying to establish relationships with the Bapetarum and not long before the employment contract was made," he questioned.

For that, Abubakar said equipment will demand its rights to Korpri and Pemko Langsa before the construction of houses civil servants that followed. In fact, if there is no way out any time soon, he will report and the Chairman of Langsa Pemko Korpri house development such as the responsibility to police.

"We're seriously going to run in this case to the highest level, so a lesson for Pemko Langsa in order not to carelessly to the cooperative agreement," concluded Abubakar.

Previously reported, the mayor of Langsa Drs Zulkifli MM Zainon requested 500 partner managing the construction of housing units for civil servants in the city to proceed. However, partners from PT Beuna Benefit claims are still not sure to continue the work, because Pemko Langsa not guaranteed payment for 20 units of housing have been built before. (serambinews.com)

DP Rumah PNS Langsa belum Dibayar

Rekanan Ancam Perkarakan Pemko
Hingga sekarang dilaporkan pihak Pemko Langsa belum membayar DP (panjar) terhadap pembangunan 20 dari 500 unit rumah bagi PNS Kota Langsa di kawasan bukit Gampong Paya Bujok Tunong. Akibatnya, pihak rekanan mengancam akan melaporkan kasus tersebut ke penegak hukum.

Rekanan dari PT Beuna Manfaat, Abubakar kepada wartawan, Minggu (25/7), mengatakan berdasarkan Surat Perjanjian Kerjasama (SPK) yang telah disepakati oleh kedua belah pihak, rekanan pelaksana bersedia membangun 500 unit rumah PNS dengan syarat rekanan akan menerima pembayaran DP sebesar Rp 10 juta per unit rumah yang telah selesai dibangun.

Tapi saat rumah sudah 20 unit selesai dibangun, Korpri dan Pemko Langsa tak satu sen pun membayar DP sesuai perjanjian, sehingga pihaknya tidak dapat melanjutkan pekerjaan. “Saya merasa dirugikan karena uang saya Rp 2 miliar lebih sudah terpakai. Sementara rumah itu hingga kini masih terbengkalai tanpa perhatian sedikitpun dari Korpri dan Pemko Langsa,” kata Abubakar.

Menurut dia, dalam SPK sudah cukup jelas disebutkan sumber dana pembangunannya dari dana fasilitas Bapetarum-PNS. “Tapi mengapa Korpri dan Pemko Langsa baru sekarang mencoba menjalin hubungan dengan pihak Bapetarum dan bukan jauh hari sebelum kontrak kerja dibuat,” ujarnya mempertanyakan.

Untuk itu, Abubakar menyatakan tetap akan menuntut haknya kepada Korpri dan Pemko Langsa sebelum pembangunan rumah PNS itu dilanjutkan. Bahkan, bila tidak ada jalan keluar dalam waktu dekat ini, ia akan melaporkan Pemko Langsa dan Ketua Korpri selaku penanggungjawab pembangunan rumah tersebut kepada pihak kepolisian.

“Kita serius akan memperkarakan kasus ini hingga ke jenjang yang tertinggi, sehingga menjadi pelajaran bagi Pemko Langsa agar tidak sembarangan melakukan perjanjian kerja sama,” pungkas Abubakar.

Sebelumnya diberitakan, Wali Kota Langsa Drs Zulkifli Zainon MM meminta rekanan pelaksana pembangunan 500 unit rumah bagi PNS di kota itu agar dilanjutkan. Namun, rekanan dari PT Beuna Manfaat mengaku masih belum bisa memastikan untuk melanjutkan pekerjaan tersebut, karena Pemko Langsa tidak memberikan jaminan pembayaran atas 20 unit rumah yang telah dibangun sebelumnya.(serambinews.com)