Fill the holidays with crocodile

Vacation has arrived, the student and the student can now spend their time with a minute left in school activities and lectures. For them, maybe a vacation is the most ditungu moment-wait because it is free to spend time simply refreshing or relaxing the mind of all the activities.

Vacation to the recreation area may feel good when there are family, friends or the accompanying doi. Spending time together, free to express themselves to seek a new atmosphere.

In Singapore, many places to fill a vacation and we live choose your own. As an alternative, maybe you can visit a crocodile breeding center in the area Sunggal Beetle Acid. Walking past the end of Jl taps Tirtanadi Budget towards Simpang, Medan Tuntungan, you will encounter a crocodile farm.

The area is an area of one hectare breeding more and by the owners in the pool was built 78 captive alligators. Not only in swimming aja, approximately half a hectare of land area as the lake is also made to ease the crocodile lives in water. So, do not be surprised if there were two thousand more crocodile tail could be seen.

Captive breeding of crocodiles was officially opened in 1959 and owned by Lo Than Muk. ethnic man hard. Since his death in late 2008, the business was managed by his wife, Lim Hui Cu. To accelerate this effort, Lim Hui employs three staff on duty to feed and watch the crocodiles are.

There are two species of crocodiles are bred, the estuarine crocodile and sinyulung. Captive breeding of crocodiles is open every day starting at 9 am to 6 pm. Entrance is not too expensive, quite Rp5000 (adult) and Rp2500 (children under age 10 years).

"If this holiday, visitors can reach 50-100 people," said Lim Hui.

To Creative, Lim Hui expressed his hopes that the crocodile breeding already existed for 51 years this community continues to demand the city of Medan as a place to fill vacation time. Assisted by his two children, Lim Hui pledged to continue developing his captive crocodiles.

"Things felt good to come here because see crocodiles up close. First if not one of many other animals can be seen, like a monkey and a snake, "said Tirta, college students in Aceh, Medan.

He hopes to fix the manager could be more facilities for visitors and if other animals can be further augmented again ..! (

Isra ascension in Three Discourses

By : Muhammad JAfar
Isra phenomenon has meaning multiperspektif ascension. Among the social meanings-the humanitarian, philosophical, theological, and scientists. In Islamic thinking, Isra ascension is one theme that is crowded dipolemikkan. This phenomenon has become one that also contribute to the dynamics of Islamic thought. Whether it's in the field of interpretation of the Koran, Islamic history, as well as the study of miracles. This paper attempts to draw the dynamic interpretation of Isra ascension as a discourse that relies on the major themes in philosophy and religion.

Three discourse
"There's no episode of life of the Prophet Muhammad that have attracted the attention of the orientalists and historians of religion beyond the Prophet's journey to heaven episode known as the Isra ascension. Israa '(Annemarie Schimmel: 2001). Isra ascension event is indeed a phenomenal one part of the history of the Prophet. One of the important values of Isra ascension that this phenomenon summarizes a big debate in the study of religion in general and Islam in particular. Isra ascension involves an analysis of various perspectives that seek to analyze and offer urun rembug hypothesis for the phenomena. Starting from the perspective of theological, philosophical, and scientists. Each has a different pressure point in understanding the phenomenon of Isra ascension.

Minimum of three discourses which are summarized in Isra ascension phenomenon. First, the discourse about the relationship between mind and body, between physical and mental. This is one of the most basic theme in the discourse of philosophy. Some philosophers contrast between the physical and soul as two separate parts. While other views understand the soul and the body as an integral part. In the context of Isra ascension, appear related to two different conclusions about it. That is the view which considers the events as purely spiritual journey and that conclusion is not merely spiritual, but also physical. Each view has a record of criticism of others. The first view of criticism that if a spiritual phenomenon, not a phenomenon Isra special ascension (do not qualify as a miracle). Therefore, the same thing can be claimed by the Sufis with a particular Sufi methods. While the weakness of the second view: how to explain the phenomenon of Isra ascension in scientific logic.
Second, the discourse of reason and faith, or between reason and revelation. This is a classic debate that is as old as the age of religion and science itself. Humans are always in an effort to find common ground, or at least connectedness, between these two things. Some have concluded that the reason (ratio) and revelation (faith) has a pattern of 'reason' that is different and impossible to put together. But there is also an effort synergizing both as a coherent two variants. In fact, at an extreme level, there is a view that negates the one above the other.

Isra ascension event represents a long discourse about the authority of reason and revelation of this. In a broader context, this domain in the debate about the myth and logos. In the perspective of scientists (rationality), the events tend to be difficult ascension Isra received based on scientific premises. While the perspective of revelation or faith, believe phenomenon of events as miracles, which indeed could not disimplifikasi on rationality parameters. There are some scholars who tried to synchronize the events with the latest scientific findings, but still very temporary.

Third, the discourse about the relationship between ritual and spiritual aspects. In the Islamic intellectual tradition, this is a fairly warm perbicangan. Namely the relationship between the Shari'a and supreme knowledge. At its most extreme, there are certain views that eliminate the significance of the function and role of ritual or religious law, on the basis of apology or supreme knowledge attainment of the highest spirituality. However, other perspectives remain confirms that although the Shari'a is the way to reach the supreme knowledge, but the position, function and role still could not get eliminated.

The event also represents the ascension Isra polemic about it. In his work entitled TAA € ™ riyyah, Ibn Farid, a Sufi, said that the journey experienced by the Prophet's ascension Isra is a "third phase in which the unity of the mystic's return from the â € ~ drunkenness to his manunggalâ € ™ to â € ~ simpleness to unite "(Annemarie Schimmel: 2001). Meanwhile, Muhammad Iqbal, in Lectures on the Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam says that "Muhammad of Arabia went up to heaven and the highest return. By Allah I swear, if I like him, certainly I would not want to go back."

Speech Ibn Farid is affirmation of the importance of aspects of spirituality, without ritual or abandon aspects of the Shari'a. That at the level of the already 'full', it will display the spirit of Sufism policy in respect of the Shari'a, rather than ego-to-maqam's to leave. While trying to attract Isra Iqbal ascension as a phenomenon that includes social messages of religious humanity. That religion and spirituality becomes meaningful, when it is able to give a positive implications at the level of humanity.

Three meanings
That's three major discourses in philosophy and theology, which was summarized in the event of Isra ascension. All three are long discourse and coloring the birth and development history of religion itself. This shows that the Isra ascension is a phenomenon that holds the most profound substance.

Apart from differences in understanding the phenomenon of Isra ascension in the third discourse above, can be understood that the event turned out to have a broad dimension. Isra ascension into a kind of 'discourse' that can generate a different hypothesis, viewed from various perspectives. This fact is quite interesting, because not all events in the history of the Prophet have advantages like this.
Viewed from the perspective of the above, there are some things that we can reflect on the phenomena associated with Isra ascension.

First, that religion (Islam) is a hallway that connects the two spaces: physical and spiritual. Therefore, the strength, function and role of religion lies in its ability to function in connecting the two space. Emphasis on one to minimize the existence of others, just the same as reducing the effectiveness of the function and role of religion. Religion (Islam) is a balance between physical and spiritual aspects.

Second, basically the religion (Islam) offer a reasonable proportionality between the strength of faith and modesty. Which one is not allowed mengeleminasi or negate the other. Without the power ratio, the teachings of Islam will be blunt and can lead to stagnation. Conversely, the faith also needed to provide basic wisdom and morality in the work of the ratio. In certain cases or circumstances, open the possibility of reason and faith have a different hypothesis. Or, that one does not legitimize other phenomena. However, it does not mean that the two are contradictory. Religion (Islam) is the opinions of allies who will never be finished between reason and faith, between revelation and reason.

Third, in religion (Islam) rituals and spiritual unity is a package that has the advantages of each and complementary. Ritual is a way to reach spirituality, as spirituality gives substance to the ritual. In the context of a more distant, two things are then gave excesses at the level of socio-humanitarian. Because the last thing this is the major goal of the religion itself prophetic. Ritual in which dwells the spiritual power is a medium which could create a virtuous individuals socially.

Polemics about the phenomenon of Isra ascension basically has the dimensions of a broad and extensive coverage analysis. Isra ascension represents the fundamental problems which have become major study of philosophy, theology and science. That is about the mind-body problem, reason-revelation, and spiritual ritual. Of course, the phenomenon of Isra ascension would be more meaningful if we are able to interpret in all three of these in a comprehensive framework.

Muhammad JAfar, Associated Researcher Institute for Research, Education, and Economic and Social Information (LP3ES)
JAA € ™ far Husein Al Hadar, Director of the Institute for the Study of Philosophy (Sophy) Jakarta

Overcoming Immunity Changes

By Th Wiryawan
"The threat of death did not automatically make people change." The words sting out of the mouth of Prof. Robert Kegan, a character in the field of origin of Harvard University's leadership, while seminars and workshops for business people in Indonesia in Jakarta, 5-7 July. The survey results MvKinsey & Co., a leading strategic consulting firm, told the nearly 2,000 business executives worldwide is shocking and sad. Most of the investments which are given to make the change did not give the expected results even highly unsatisfactory.

Though the change is key to good organizational life and death of business organizations, political, social, etc.. Only from that organization can enhance its competitiveness, either through strategic initiatives such as six sigma, balanced scorecard, acquisition / merger, misi-visi-nilai/budaya organization, leadership development, knowledge management, and even more routine changes such as training / development. In fact, specifically for training / development. Statistics provided by the Center for Creative Leadership in the United States declared that the 88% investment in training and development fails to provide results.

There have been many approaches that are given to accelerate the pace of change. Starting from a touch of motivation, role models, reward, develop the capability to be able to perform the desired behavior, until the threats and punishments as well as many

support system organization formed to support it. However, the fact remains such as McKinsey's research results.

Professor Kegan, who examined this area more than 25 years, successfully demonstrated the greatest obstacle lies in the emotional side of change-psychological unconscious. Conflict between the change to be achieved and a large commitment in myself for not changing. Many people will be stunned when it is said that he has a huge commitment not to change. That's fair, because the commitment was hidden in the subconscious. It was like, the conscious mind trying to boost gas reaching changes, but the subconscious brakes to prevent the occurrence of deep change.

Why is that? This is the 'immunity of change. " The subconscious works like the immune system, duty filter and against the things that may be emotionally or psychologically threatening. Ditetapkanlah many automatic behaviors and actions that we do to our emotional stability maintained. And indeed if the immune system is functioning properly, emotional balance is achieved will help us to achieve the results we want.

The issue is in a state of change, the system is often considered the change as a threat. Similar immune substances fail to recognize that good for the body and instead attacked him causing disease. Because changes viewed as a threat, the immune changes that exert various actions that change was not achieved.

One interesting example of Kegan at once terrifying is the high-risk cardiac patients. From each of seven high-risk cardiac patients who required a doctor to change behavior in order to avoid the risk of deadly attacks, apparently only one had really changed. It was a serious threat of heart disease, but they have not changed. Not that they do not want to live healthy, pet grandchild or enjoying life. Not also do not understand the risk they face death. The doctors have told what they should do to change, so they know how. Basically, they've got all the elements that should be able to foster change, but in fact only one is changed. Other? They are gripped by a death threat immunity so that any changes do not make them flinch.
Organization did not escape from the clutches of the immune changes. John Kotter and McKinsey survey that prove it. Changing only one person is difficult, let alone change the organization comprised of many heads who have thoughts and interests differ.

If immunity is prevented from changing important goal we must achieve, would not want this system should be changed. Yet not necessarily we can change that system. First, because the system is in the subconscious, so we have to answer first to the surface. Second, because the system is, as said earlier, play an important role for emotional stability. Change can not just throw it away, but must use the right strategy to emotional stability was threatened.

For example, cases in a leading consulting firm. Senior executive team in there willing to form a culture of 'mutual trust and support' antarkonsultan. However, despite repeated conduct various training and activities and to form various systems, it still does not run smoothly antarkonsultan relationship. Formed a good condition, but soon the old behaviors again pushed and controlled processes in the company's relationships.

They then tried to handle the situation through changes in immunity approach, using a four-step process that introduced Robert Kegan. First, determine the commitment of the desired changes. For example, 'establish a culture of mutual trust and mutual support'. The most important thing in the first step is commitment to change to be achieved must be the commitment of significant value, and even better if this commitment is difficult to achieve change or have long sought but always fail or relapse back to old behaviors.

Second, make a list of actions that hinder the achievement of objectives and actions that should be done, but not done. However, rather than those actions that changed. What is important in this method is that we explore further because it acts merely a symptom of a deeper change in immunity.

Trying to change those actions without digging further immunity similar to hot-lowering medication for fever without curing the cause of his fever, which is an infection in the body. In general, other methods will try to directly modify the actions in this second step. A simple example is the diet. Many people fail on diets, although they tried hard. There are successful, but only briefly. After some time, their weight go back to its original, even more.

Third, dig 'commitment penanding' which becomes the door opener to the changes in immunity. That commitment makes a person or organization doing the actions that sabotage their own goals. It is important to remember that commitments were partly derived from our emotional immunity, to protect us from emotional dangers that we think we may have, and so far has been successful enough to bring us to the point that we have achieved today. However, the commitment was not in accordance with what we want for the future, that's why this commitment to create actions that try to thwart the achievement of our goals.

Fourth, find the assumptions underlying the commitments. The occurrence of these commitments are due to blind assumptions, ie assumptions that are considered true without question. In some cases, this assumption is even been overpaid for years. And assumptions that became the core of the immune changes. If the process does not touch down to change the assumptions, ie, to determine whether this assumption is correct or not, these assumptions will continue to bring the various actions that hinder the achievement of objectives.

Failure to deal with change is a common face, and raises the cost of very expensive, even sometimes the result is that losses and bankruptcies. Almost all organizations and all leaders must have felt the difficulty of change. Process changes that seem easy on paper, is considered sufficient to conduct training and some additional activities, there are many who are constrained by these immune changes.
Therefore, to overcome immunity changes will allow the organization to achieve the changes that are important to them
done, more quickly and efficiently so that they spend on investment is not in vain.

By Th Wiryawan, practitioners in finance and insurance


Rain and high winds this week Appear Potentially

Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) asked the community aware of the potential for heavy rain accompanied by lightning and high winds in some parts of Indonesia during the week ahead.

According to a press release released Ministry of Communications and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, Tuesday (13 / 7), the heat causes the sea temperature is still the number of seeds that water vapor will fall to rain.

Areas that are expected to rain on July 13 to 14, 2010, among others, North Sumatra, Riau southern part, Jambi, Central Kalimantan, the southern part, southern part of West Kalimantan, West Java, the eastern, northern part of Central Java, the southern part of West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi North Maluku and Papua as well as central and southern parts.

On 15-16 July 2010, rain expected to fall in North Sumatra, Riau southern part, southern part of West Kalimantan, West Java, the eastern, northern part of Central Java, the southern part of West Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua, the middle section.

While at 17 â € "July 19, 2010, a similar condition estimated to occur in Riau, Jambi, South Sumatra, Central Kalimantan, central and southern part, northern part of Central Java, the southern part of West Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua, the middle section. (

Industrial Activity 'Pulp' in Riau PICU and Human Conflict Tiger

Investigation of environmental institutions Eyes on the Forest (EoF) found evidence of activity of the pulp industry in Riau province sparked deadly conflicts between humans and Sumatran tigers.

Both companies are giant Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) and the Asian Pacific Resources International Holding Limeted (APRIL).

In a 26-page investigation report EoF pelumatan disclose the fact of large-scale natural forests remaining in Riau Province to create at least 245 humans and tigers deadly conflict.

"Felling of natural forests in the landscape-important tiger conservation landscapes is an internationally recognized, namely in Bukit Tigapuluh, Kampar Peninsula, Kerumutan, and Senepis-Buluhala has indirectly lead to conflict. Because of their habitat destroyed, tigers roam the neighborhood residents, â €? Editor says EoF Afdal Mahyuddin to Pekanbaru, Tuesday (13 / 7).

He explains, natural forests in Riau is a high conservation value forests or high conservation value forest (HCFV) peaty three meters in which there are various kinds of wildlife reserves.

As in Protected Areas Senepis, Dumai, Riau, covering 60 thousand hectares, which is the concession of a former timber company PT Diamond Raya Timber received certificates FSC Controlled Wood (FSC Controlled Wood certificate). But under the APP's pulp industry continues to open tiger woods from south to north together.

"The result is a 27 human deaths and the deaths of eight tigers in the region. This indicates the importance of this area for the tigers who are suffering from the deadly effects of deforestation," said Afdal.

In addition Senepis area, three other areas such as Bukit Tigapuluh National Park (BTNP), Kampar Peninsula, and Kerumutan, also increasingly threatened. Sumatran tiger's arrival to the neighborhood residents cause unrest. Throughout the 1997-2009 recorded 245 human conflict and the tiger that 60% of them occur in the region. (

Alonso Confident Ferrari F1 Juarai

Team Ferrari will still appear as the champion of Formula One (F1), although failed to win points in the race in England, last weekend. This was disclosed two times F1 world champion, Fernando Alonso.

Spaniard's appeal in the pages, Tuesday (12 / 7), so that his team did not fall mentally after he and colleagues from Brazil's Felipe Massa was 14th and ranked 15th in the race at Silverstone, the weekend ago.

"Well my friends, keep your head up. We will win this race," Alonso said the team after playing on the radio as the fastest rider on the final lap race. "We're just half way in the race this season and still have time to fix the position. We have a great vehicle and we prove it on one of our fastest lap (a lap).''

Ferrari's appearance last week was the worst suffered by the Italian team this season and the first failure in the points in the race since the end of the season in 2009 in Abu Dhabi.

Massa failed to gain points in the last three races while Alonso collects 19 numbers and are in fifth place overall, 47 points behind the leaders while pebalap McLaren, Lewis Hamilton, with the remaining nine rounds and 225 points again direbutkan.

Ferrari in third category of plants, 113 points behind the McLaren. "We are angry because they could not points but this anger should be channeled in a positive way," explained team boss Stefano Domenicali. ''We have to continue his pursuit by building vehicles, work quietly, with a high concentration and good results will come.''(

LSI: SBY not going to reshuffle Cabinet Work Period Prior Year

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - President SBY is considered impossible to revamp or a cabinet reshuffle in the near future. Parties, to conduct these reforms, SBY will make the reasons for the weakness of the performance of ministries and agencies as a shield.

Unfortunately, the United Indonesia Cabinet II has not even run a one-year job. And the reason for poor performance would look absurd if it uses to make reshuffle in the near future.

''When in fact, more for political reasons mereshuffle SBY. But perhaps the reason it did not dare use by SBY,''said a senior researcher Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI), Burhanuddin Muhtadi told Republika, Tuesday (13 / 7).

Burhan later explained, Chairman UKP4, Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, it already has a schedule you set about evaluating the ministries and state agencies. Whatever the outcome of the release is only a form of routine evaluation UKP4 of ministries and agencies. According to him, Kuntoro has an objective parameter, and size that makes sense regarding the work program. However, evaluation UKP4 justification of this fact can be a cabinet reshuffle because SBY always makes the performance evaluation of UKP4 as an excuse or a shield to cover his political reasons.

Therefore, Burhan said, if there are coalition partners too hard to control, could be the reason SBY performance did reshuffle to cover political motives into the real reasons.

This never happened in the SBY-JK government, some time ago. There are several ministers and the Attorney General Abdurrahman Saleh direshuffle because the proposal came from the Crescent Star Party whose voice was considered less significant in supporting the government. ''In fact its performance is not bad, "said Burhan.

In addition, Burhan said, until now there is still an unresolved issue within the coalition. He thinks there are still some things that are not over and reshuffled the cabinet done before one year of walking can disrupt political stability in a coalition partnership.

Issues related to this reshuffle digaungkan by Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives of the Golkar Party faction, Priyo Budi Santoso Monday (12 / 7) ago. He proposed that the president did reshuffle the cabinet ministers who got the red report card from UKP4.

Related to this, Burhan ensure there is a special motive of Golkar. Because, according to him, there is always competition between coalition partners. Each party, he said, have an interest to improve political incentives and also increase the proportion kadernya in his cabinet.

Opportunity, Burhan said, could not be obtained if no ministers from other parties direshuffle. "Moreover coincidence that the coalition was built on the basis of pragmatism," he said. So, when there is an opportunity or gap for Golkar in the capture of the chair, firmly Burhan, it is definitely going to be done immediately. (

Reasons Not to See Strong MCC to reshuffle Cabinet

Secretary General of the MCC, Anis Matta, yet to see a strong reason for the president to conduct a Cabinet reshuffle. Reviews UKP4 assessed MCC is not enough to be the basis of the replacement of ministers.

Anis said UKP4 unclear valuation basis. President''was not able to automatically consider doing UKP4 overhaul of the assessment,''he said, Tuesday (13 / 7), at the capitol. For example, there are units that receive a red report card when it is not that unit performance may be hindered other programs that do other ministers.

Therefore, the MCC, said Anis, see UKP4 inaccurate assessment solely relied upon assessment of performance. MCC UKP4 also seen as a regular job evaluations. ''It's not the sole determinant of judgments,''he said.

MCC had not yet evaluated the ministers from his party. Anis said that was not the right time to evaluate. The reason they have not until a year posisinyaa occupied. Evaluation of a new one scheduled to held in November or the year after the United Indonesia Cabinet II running. (

Forum urges Government Traffic Stop Religious Violence

Interfaith Dialogue Forum urged the government to solve cases of violence that hit an activist of the Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) Tama Langkun Satya.

"The main pillar of democracy activists and cultural development in the future," said Director of the Centre for Dialogue and Cooperation Amang Civilization (CDCC) Abdul Mu'ti in Jakarta, Monday.

According Mu'ti, acts of violence against activists often repeated because of lack of completion in the handle apparatus.

"Munir's case until now there has been no concrete answer, violence against religious communities often happens," said Mu'ti.

Responding to the statement by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) when membezuk Tama S Langkun Asri Hospital in South Jakarta, that cases of violence against the activists to be stopped. Anticorruption movement must keep running. "Revelation is not only the discourse. As Head of State, the President had ordered the Police to immediately sort out cases of Tama and legally process all parties involved," he asserted.

Fr Benny Susetyo reveal, cases of violence in Indonesia tends to increase. Its victims quite a lot and come from various professions and backgrounds, both human rights activists, anti-corruption movement as well as religious groups.

"All of it should be stopped if the country did not want to called thugs," This happened three years katanya.Dalam 315 cases of violence in Indonesia override religious groups, and other anticorruption activists.

"Strangely, government officials seemed to hush the case continues. If the authorities act quickly and swiftly, cases like Munir and Tama will not happen," he said.

Meanwhile, World Vision Indonesia Trihadi of states, cases of corruption is a human rights abuse at the same time robs the poor.

"If there is no corruption, then their fate or government funds for empowerment of the poor will be even greater. Unfortunately, these funds continue undermined by corruption so that they are deprived of their rights as it is now," he said.

Therefore, according Trihadi, there was no reason for law enforcement agencies do not take action against the criminals while protecting the anti-corruption activist.

"The government should thank the anti-corruption activists, because they had run the state duties in overseeing the budget. It is not the opposite, hostile and attacked the activists," he said. (

Consider Request Philippines Indonesia Be Peace Mediator PDF Print Email

Philippine President Benigno Aquino III, Monday, said his government was considering to ask Indonesia to facilitate the process of Peace between the government and guerrillas of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (Moro Islamic Liberation Front / MILF).

"The government needs to become the third-party mediator to the peace process with the MILF. Third parties may be Indonesian," said President Aquino when asked whether his government will ask Malaysia as third party facilitator with the MILF.

"I can not say whether the Malaysian government will continue to help us," he said.

Previously, in the government led by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, asked Malaysia to become a mediator between the government and MILF peace.

Kuala Lumpur is also currently leading the International team to monitor the ceasefire between government troops and Muslim gerilaywan in the Southern Philippines.

President Aquino said his government will continue to make contact with some foreign governments to the possibility that they help the peace talks with the separatist guerrilla group.

Aquino has so far not announced the members of the two peace panels guerrilla groups, namely the MILF and the left-wing group National Democratic Front. (Ant/

15 Year Girl Raped By Father Close Friends

* Revealed When Will Repeat Performer

really painful fate of a teenager (the new kid is big), shall call his name Lestari (15). Responsibilities with the status of orphan girl was allegedly raped by a man initials JH (35) that no other close friends of the late father of the victim. This case has lead to the police.

From left to die by his father several years ago, sustainable living with his mother at one of the villages in the subdistrict of West Langsa, Langsa. While the perpetrator is a citizen married status Lorong Tanjung, Paoh River Village. When my father was still alive Lestari, JH often to the house of this family. According to the victim to the police, the alleged rape occurred in the perpetrator's Avanza, Thursday, July 8th, 2010 at around 22:00 pm in quiet location in the Village area Leiognathus Acid, Eastern District of Langsa.

Case itself known when the suspect came back to the house of JH Lestari, Monday (12 / 7) at around 12:00 pm for the purpose of taking the little girl for a walk. But the presence of JH make Lestari fear and panic. This raises the question of changing attitudes so that investigate the victim's mother told the child about what actually happened.

The mother was so surprised and shocked when he heard the confession of Sustainable JH if she had been raped on Thursday night July 8, 2010. Hearing confession just happened a quarrel between the victim's mother JH. It invites the attention of the public argument about that after knowing the truth, JH nearly diamuk mass. Luckily the man was quickly secured by police officers Airud Langsa Pol.

When a quarrel with the mother of the victim, the suspect got out the words that are recognized by the victim's mother is very hurt their feelings. JH insult by saying Lestari has become comfort women for having several times brought to Medan. "I was quite angry and very hurt by his words, which states that this my child prostitutes and had several times taken to Medan. Whereas before when the father of children still exists, JH including close friends of my husband also often come to the house, "said the mother who is now the backbone of the family.

Police Langsa, Yosi AKBP Muhamartha through PPA Reskrim visible Galih Indra Giri SIK accompanied OBC Reskrim Ipda Budi NW SH in his office to Prohaba, Monday (12 / 7) confirmed it had received reports that the alleged rape of Sustainable still 15 years old. The initials JH culprit, according to police Chief Langsa also residivis drug case. "We have secured the suspects JH, who was also involved in drug cases and was just free of the inmates in prisons Class II B Langsa. For cases of alleged rape of underage girls already in the stage of investigation, "said Galih. (

Sign In New Santri MUQ Start Boarding

* Disallow Use HP

Hundreds of students who recently graduated from testing Ulumul Quran Madrasah Langsa, starting 10-11 July 2010 had gone into their respective dormitories. The students were comprised of hundreds of students and dozens of levels tsnawiyah aliyah rates. While for two days ahead of the new students were expected to follow ta'aruf at the local campus.

Porch observations, the students who passed came from various areas in Aceh and North Sumatra. Interests of citizens to send their children in a modern boarding schools are increasingly meningakt from year to year. This year the committee memberlukan direct students into dormitories when registration re-done.

In a meeting with students at the mosque complex guardians MUQ, Head of Islamic Junior Busra MPD Amir said, for a more glorious achievement in the future, it takes the role of students and parents. "In fact, we have opened classes tahfid (memorize the Quran). Expected that students will be able to compete Quranic-based technology, "he said.

Meanwhile, Mudir Ulum Madrasah Quran Ulum Bustanul Foundation Langsa, M Yunus Nurdin offend the moral importance of a students who will be forged to become a man at the seminary. In this case, the institute has issued strict rules that prohibit students perform actions that could threaten the moral, as well as the use of HP.

"We do not tolerate the use of HP. For students who wish to communicate with parents, we provide telephone. Or guardian may request help and cleric dorm here, "he said, as he claims will continue to improve facilities for the institution. (

The Brave actors Judi toggle in Langsa

Circulation gambling dark toto (toggle) increasingly widespread and penetrated various layers of society in Langsa, which raises the concern of local leaders. "The actors grew bolder. Nothing is impossible if membeking, "says a character who requested his name not Langsa written.

Toggle gambling consumers, according to the figures have started to spread among children under age and students. More and more students are addicted to fortune-toggle rates in the hope of quick profit. "This is very dangerous," he said.

Based Prohaba search, there are two types of circulating toggle Langsa in society, namely to gambling during the day that the numbers toggle will open at 18:00 pm or so-called toggle gambling in Singapore. Then toggle attached to gambling after sunset and the number undiannya will open at 23:00 pm called toggle types of gambling in Hong Kong.

Disinylair toggle increasingly entrenched business network and strong because there membeking parties. Even more blatantly visible toggle Airport or clerk (jurtul) toggle certain elements under guard. (

Special Committee for Government Performance Center Doubtful

* Tajul Ula: We Continue Working

Performance Special Committee (committee) established to investigate the office of development lags County Government Center East Aceh regency, doubtful. Besides being in a hurry, its formation was also assessed for the benefit of enjoying the popularity and public funds by the Special Committee itself.

It was announced by the institution Solidarity for Care Budget (Sapa) of Aceh, in a written statement signed by its chairman Rizalihadi, Sunday (11 / 7). "Activities (committee) is to be scrutinized, since its formation seems so forced by members of the DPRK East Aceh. Moreover, as the former Special Committee related to the Welfare grants amounting to USD 16 billion, of which the committee is ultimately the result was not encouraging, "said Rizal gave an example.

According to him, the establishment of the Special Committee to investigate the development of the central government inaction dilaksananakan by PT Trilon Glory International (TGI), only seem to seek and to enjoy the popularity of public funds in financing each committee's own interests.

This is highly visible on the formation of the Special Committee was in a hurry. This condition raises public suspicion that the outcome of the Special Committee will be used for certain purposes. "Institutionally, Sapa is very skeptical about the performance of the Special Committee has been formed and is currently conducting its activities," he said.

Actually, he said, other factors that cause clogged-sendatnya process of accelerating the development of the central government are also located in East Aceh DPRK weak in monitoring. DPRK as an institution should be strict oversight of the project, because the function of supervision is one of the mandate inherent in every member of the DPRK.

Sapa also questioned the oversight conducted by the DPRK during this. "Do-not supervision is not done deliberately in order to facilitate the road to form a committee, whose motivation is more to the factors and obtain financial facilities provided by the state to fund any activity undertaken by members of the committee. One is, the cost of official travel outside the area as has been done by members of the committee, "he concluded.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Special Committee for the Development of East Aceh Government Center, Tajul Ula, who confirmed her cell phone separately said it will continue to work and does not care what people related to the problem. "Because we do not vilify anyone, which is important PT Glori back to work, that's all," he said, who admitted to being in Jakarta.

He also explained that there are no interests of his party or manipulated by another person referred to in the formation of the Special Committee. "There is no interest, an important center of government is done again by PT Glori. This Monday we will be meeting again, "said Tajul

Previously reported, related to the slow progress of development the central government office district (regency) Aceh Timur in Idi Rayeuk, Team Special Committee (Special Committee) local DPRK, is now being traced two banks, each bank of North Sulawesi (Sulawesi Bank) branches in Jakarta, and Bank South Sumatra (Bank of South Sumatra) Jakarta branch.

Conducted a second search because the local government-owned banks are reported to participate to give the bank guarante (bank guarantee) to the implementing partners of the project, PT Trilion Glory International (TGI). Bank of North Sulawesi, reportedly offering guarantees worth USD 6.5 billion, while Bank of South Sumatra provide job guarantees worth USD 19.5 billion. (

Citizens Request for Relocation Fund for Development Pusong

Citizens Pusong Island, District of West Langsa, Langsa Aceh demanded that the Government review the proposal for funds amounting to Rp 102.019 billion to the state budget to relocate the community Pusong. They requested that funding for it was used to build the island Pusong of underdevelopment of development.

According to residents, the island's efforts to relocate residents of Simpang Alue Buloh too forced. Because, they've declared reject such a proposed relocation of the Municipal Government of Langsa.

"We asked for the proposal that funds pledged for the rebuilding of our islands continue crushed crushed marine abrasion. Relocation effort will also create a conflict among the public like that has happened, "said Chairman of the Youth, Syahrial Amen to the Porch, Thursday (8 / 7) in response to a statement the Vice Governor of Aceh, Muhammad Nazar Pusong to relocate residents.

As reported Porch, Wednesday (7 / 7), Deputy Governor (Deputy Governor) Muhammad Nazar requested support from the state budget funds amounting to USD 102.019 billion for relocating people Pusong, District of West Langsa, Langsa, which they are exposed to abrasion settlements. The request was submitted to Menkokesra through letter No. 050/47809 dated June 24, 2010.

It is said Syahrial, the discourse of the island residents relocating to the mainland had been proposed by the Government Langsa. "But what we need is the touch of development on the island is increasingly lagging behind the government's responsibility," said Syahrial.

It is said, uninhabited island about 2,500 people were in dire need of infrastructure development which has been damaged and has not been sufficient. He specifies, breakwater levee construction, decent housing, and public facility deficiencies.

Syahrial also cite the case of relocation to Lhokbanie in early 2008 also leaving a conflict between communities. Relocation cases, he said, was made public Pusong divided into pros and cons of relocation policy. "The suffering of our people as well. So the government should think about the social impact on society, "said Syahrial.

Chairman of the youth also lamented the statement in the newspaper Vice Governor of Aceh who impressed kenak-juvenile. "We do not blame the Vice Governor, but his vision is not populist and highly aspirational that we deplore," said Syahrial. For that, residents requested that the Government of Aceh truly pro Pusong Island residents to rebuild and anticipate their island from destruction. Any policy related to the relocation of residents of the island to the mainland, should be immediately discontinued.

"Do not let the government become a trigger for new conflicts among the people. Because we only need a proper development for an island or remote area, "said Syahrial. As is known, the discourse of residents relocating to Simpang Buloh Pusong firmly rejected by local residents. As reported Porch, May 19, 2010 and then, some residents Gampong Teulaga seven or which could be called Pusong Island, District of West Langsa, Langsa, Monday (17 / 5), berdelegasi afternoon to the office of the City Council of People's Representatives (DPRK) Langsa.

Activities facilitated by the Aceh Wetland Foundation aims to reject the plan to relocate the residents to Simpang Alue Buloh as proposed by Mayor Langsa and has obtained approval from the Governor of Aceh. In addition, the meeting received by the Chairman of the DPRK Langsa, Muhammad Zulfri ST, the residents also requested the Government of Aceh in order to ensure the safety consequences of the existence of Pusong Island dredging project Langsa Rivers Flow to make the Port of Kuala Langsa international standard. (