Continue PNS abandoned house

Mayor Langsa, Zulkifli Zainon, requested the implementing partners of civil servants housing Langsa continue its work. Even the mayor ordered the Secretary Syaifullah, issued a letter to its content partners to continue the work.

Meanwhile, managing partner of PT Beuna Benefit claim rather doubt continue its work, considering Pemko Langsa can not guarantee payment for work performed. For the 20 completed housing units has yet to clear the payment.

"The building of the civil servants in the hill region Paya Village Bujok Tunong Baroe Langsa district has actually done a long time, and became one of Pemko program," said Mayor Langsa, Zulkifli Zainon, this morning.

But Zainon Zulkifli claimed not to know exactly the root problem of why the work stopped and until now has not been completed. Therefore, the Mayor ordered the Secretary issued a letter to the parties Syaifullah partners, to ensure that the civil servants can be implemented back home.

"Yes, I know Secretary has given a letter to the parties in order to make the partnership work to continue on," said Zulkifli Zainon.

Concerning payment of civil servant's house, it will first conduct census of civil servants prospective buyers to be selective, and establish cooperation with the parties and KPR-BTN Bapetarum Aceh Province, as indicated in the Letter of Agreement (DSS) with the previous partner.

"Data PNS prospective buyers who have previously had no longer appropriate because many of the list. His civil servants have moved and some were already dead. Therefore we will fix the data first, "he said.

Concerns about questionable payments partner, Zulkifli Zainon ensure his side will implement its obligation to make payments pursuant to Letter of Agreement, when all the procedures and rules have been exhausted.

As reported, Pemko Langsa menzalimi party vendors judged executor for ignoring the associated development agreements PNS 500 housing units in the hills Bujok Tunong Paya Village Kec. Langsa Baroe.

As a result, the partners have completed nearly 5 percent job loss 2 billion more. Even more ironic, though Langsa Pemko officials did not want to bother until the problem becomes dangling. (

Lanjutkan rumah PNS terbengkalai

Walikota Langsa, Zulkifli Zainon, meminta rekanan pelaksana pembangunan rumah PNS Kota Langsa melanjutkan pekerjaannya. Bahkan Walikota memerintahkan Sekda Syaifullah, mengeluarkan surat kepada rekanan yang isinya melanjutkan pekerjaan tersebut.

Sementara, rekanan pelaksana dari PT Beuna Manfaat mengaku agak ragu melanjutkan pekerjaannya, mengingat Pemko Langsa tidak bisa memberi jaminan pembayaran atas pekerjaan yang dilaksanakan. Sebab 20 unit rumah yang selesai dikerjakan hingga kini belum jelas pembayarannya.

“Pembangunan rumah PNS di kawasan bukit Gampong Paya Bujok Tunong kecamatan Langsa Baroe sebenarnya telah lama dikerjakan, dan menjadi salah satu program Pemko,” tutur Walikota Langsa, Zulkifli Zainon, pagi ini.

Tapi Zulkifli Zainon mengaku belum tau persis akar persoalan mengapa pekerjaan tersebut terhenti dan hingga kini belum selesai. Karena itu, Walikota memerintahkan Sekda Syaifullah mengeluarkan surat kepada pihak rekanan, agar pembangunan rumah PNS dapat dilaksanakan kembali.

“Ya, saya sudah kasi tau Sekda agar membuat surat kepada pihak rekanan supaya pekerjaannya dilanjutkan terus,” kata Zulkifli Zainon.

Menyangkut pembayaran rumah PNS itu, pihaknya terlebih dahulu akan melakukan pendataan PNS calon pembeli secara selektif, serta menjalin kerjasama dengan pihak Bapetarum dan KPR-BTN Provinsi Aceh, sebagaimana tertera dalam Surat Perjanjian Kerja (SPK) dengan pihak rekanan sebelumnya.

“Data PNS calon pembeli yang ada sebelumnya sudah tidak sesuai lagi karena banyak yang tercantum dalam daftar. PNS nya sudah pindah dan ada yang sudah meninggal dunia. Karena itu kita akan perbaiki data dulu,” katanya.

Menyangkut soal pembayaran yang diragukan rekanan, Zulkifli Zainon menjamin pihaknya akan melaksanakan kewajibannya untuk melakukan pembayaran sesuai Surat Perjanjian Kerja, bila semua prosedur dan aturan telah ditempuh.

Sebagaimana diberitakan, Pemko Langsa dinilai menzalimi pihak rekanan pelaksana karena mengabaikan perjanjian kerjasama terkait pembangunan 500 unit rumah PNS di kawasan perbukitan Gampong Paya Bujok Tunong Kec. Langsa Baroe.

Akibatnya, pihak rekanan yang telah menyelesaikan hampir 5 persen pekerjaannya mengalami kerugian Rp2 miliar lebih. Yang lebih ironis, pejabat Pemko Langsa seolah tak ingin ambil pusing hingga persoalan tersebut menjadi terkatung-katung.

Duel dengan Pencuri, Husaini Kritis Direncong

Aksi kriminal dengan kekerasan kembali memakan korban di wilayah Kota Langsa. Kali ini korbannya adalah Husaini (34), warga Gampong Lhok Bani, Kecamatan Langsa Barat, Kota Langsa. Laki-laki ini ditikam dengan sebilah rencong tepat mengenai sisi kanan perut dan dada saat duel dengan pencuri yang belum diketahui indetitasnya.

Menurut istri korban, Rohani (29) kepada Prohaba saat ditemui di RSUD Langsa, peristiwa itu terjadi menjelang shalat subuh, Rabu (14/7) sekitar pukul 04.30 WIB. Suaminya yang masih tertidur lelap tiba-tiba terbangun karena mendengar suara aneh di sekitar kedai (kios) yang menjual barang kelontong yang berada satu bangunan dengan rumahnya.

Ternyata suara aneh itu bersumber dari pergerakan pencuri yang masuk ke kios. Pencuri masuk melewati jendela dapur yang telah dicopot kacanya. “Ketika memastikan ada pencuri, suami saya berteriak maling,” kata Rohani.

Namun si maling bukannya lari melainkan menyekap Husaini agar tak berteriak lagi sambil menodongkan senjata tajam (rencong). Teriakan sang suami ikut membangunkan Rohani. Melihat situasi gawat itu, langsung saja menawarkan pada pencuri itu agar mengambil harta bendanya namun meminta jangan menyakiti suaminya yang kala itu masih berada dalam sekapan.

“Ketika saya mengatakan jangan menyakiti suami saya dan saya persilakan untuk mengambil apa yang ada di dalam rumah, pencuri yang tak memakai topeng itu malah membentak saya. Kemudian pencuri itu memerintahkan saya untuk membuka pintu depan rumah agar memudahkannya melarikan diri,” ujar Rohani.

Menurut istri korban, sebelum pencuri itu melarikan diri ia sempat menendang anaknya yang masih duduk di bangku kelas 1 SD, karena berusaha hendak mendekati ayahnya. Namun saat pintu telah terbuka dan pelaku hendak kabur, tiba-tiba suaminya sempat melawan. Saat itulah terjadi perkelahian singkat dan berakhir dengan luka tusukan pada perut dan dada Husaini.

“Suami saya jatuh bersimbah darah akibat tikaman rencong. Sesaat kemudian barulah datang warga yang menolong,” kata Rohani. Sebelum kabur, pencuri juga sempat mengambil dompet Rohani yang di dalamnya berisi uang Rp 500.000 dan surat berharaga lainnya.

Kapolres Langsa AKBP Yosi Muhamartha melalui Kapolsek Langsa Barat AKP Kasnap SE yang ditanyai Prohaba membenarkan kejadian tersebut. Polisi juga sudah melakukan olah TKP dan menemukan sejumlah barang bukti seperti potongan rencong yang menikam korban dan sandal pelaku. Polisi masih mengusut kasus tersebut.

Di RSUD Langsa, hingga pukul 10.30 WIB kemarin, korban masih kritis dan belum sadarkan diri. Korban tiba di Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD) RSUD Langsa sejak pukul 05.00 WIB. Dokter baru melakukan persiapan operasi sekitar pukul 11.00 WIB, kemarin.(

Kabupaten dan PT Askes Diminta Jalin Kerjasama

* Untuk Layanan Kesehatan Cacat Fisik
Pemerintah Kabupaten Aceh Timur dan PT Askes (Persero) Cabang Langsa sama diharapkan segera untuk pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat bagi penyandang cacat fisik. Kerjasama ini sangat penting mengingat jumlah penduduk Aceh Timur yang memiliki cacat fisik akibat konflik di Aceh di masa lalu.

Hal itu diungkapkan oleh Kepala Organisasi Kepegawaian Setdakab Aceh Timur, A Hamid, di hadapan Kepala PT Askes Cabang Langsa, Cut Yasma, pada kegiatan sosialisasi yang diadakan oleh PT Askes (Persero) Cabang Langsa untuk jajaran pejabat dan pegawai negeri sipil di Kabupaten Aceh Timur Sekretariat Daerah, Rabu (30 / 6) di auditorium Perempuan lokal Dharma.

"Selama ini, pertanyaan kita semua, pejabat Baik Pemerintah maupun Masyarakat Di Aceh Timur yang megalami keterbatasan fisik / cacat adalah mengapa PT Askes tidak bekerja sama dengan Rehabilitasi Medis Rumah Sakit terletak di Kabupaten Aceh Timur Peureulak," kata Hamid.

Dikatakan, sebagai data Badan Reintegrasi Aceh (BRA), terdapat 1246 penduduk Aceh Timur mengalami keterbatasan fisik dan cacat akibat konflik. Para korban konflik sampai saat ini belum menerima pelayanan yang maksimal dari pemerintah untuk menyelesaikan masalah mereka.

Oleh karena itu, kata Hamid, kehadiran Rehabilitasi Medis Rumah Sakit di Kecamatan Peureulak sangat layak untuk menyelenggarakan layanan kesehatan bagi orang yang mengalami keterbatasan fisik dan cacat yang disebabkan oleh konflik masa lalu tersebut.

"Untuk mendukung jaminan pelayanan bagi orang-orang yang mengalami cacat fisik dan keterbatasn, adalah untuk mencari asuransi kesehatan (Askes) untuk mereka yang harus bekerja sama dengan PT Askes (Persero)," berjudul A Hamid.

Dia menambahkan bahwa konvensi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) disebutkan pemerintah wajib meningkatkan, melindungi dan menjamin hak-hak bagi orang-orang yang mengalami cacat. Demikian pula, dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1997 Pasal 6, dijelaskan setiap penyandang cacat memiliki hak untuk menerima rehabilitasi fisik.

Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini, Kepala PT Askes (Persero) Cabang Langsa, Cut Yasma mengakui pihaknya sudah menerima banyak harapan, baik dari direktur Rehabilitasi Medis Rumah Sakit dr pejabat dan lainnya Alamsyah Aceh Timur.

Namun, untuk mewujudkan harapan ini perlu proses dan ada beberapa kondisi penting yang harus dipenuhi serta status Rehabilitasi Medis Rumah Sakit itu sendiri, dan legalitas operasi lain dari rumah sakit.

Karena selama ini, katanya, jasa, kerjasama PT Askes dengan rumah sakit pemerintah / rumah sakit swasta yang sudah memiliki kategori tipe A, B dan C. Jika masih Uncategorized D, diklasifikasikan sebagai Puskesmas. "Jelas ini keinginan baik dan keinginan, maka pantas dukungan kami dan Askes berharap layanan juga akan berlaku di Rumah Sakit Rehabilitasi Medis, Aceh Timur," kata Cut Yasma.

Sementara itu, mengenai status Rehabilitasi Medis Rumah Sakit, seperti diketahui, tim visitase dari Departemen Kesehatan (Kemenkes) Republik Indonesia, dipimpin oleh Dr W. Nindito Soeko, pada tanggal 22 Mei 2010 dan juga memiliki meninjau langsung Rehabilitasi Medik Rumah Sakit di Peureulak Aceh Timur yang juga didampingi Bupati Aceh Timur Muslim Hasballah. (

Parliament, KPI, the Press Council Agree Sensors Infotainment

Working meeting between the House of Representatives Commission I with the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) and the Press Council agreed to change the status of non-factual infotainment into the program. All three agencies agreed to hold the sensor towards infotainment.

"House of Representatives Commission I fully support the efforts undertaken steps to revise the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission P3SPS especially categorization of factual infotainment broadcast programs into nonfaktual," said Leadership Meeting, Vice-Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission I express conclusions TB Hassanudin working meeting of DPR's Commission I, KPI, and the Press Council in the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday (14 / 7).

This decision was taken because the third-rate institutions often broadcast infotainment and reality shows doing a lot of violations of religious norms, moral ethics, social norms. Therefore, the absolute form the sensor must be done. "It also violates journalistic ethics and P3SPS KPI," explained Hassanudin.

KPI also welcomed this agreement. KPI ready to cooperate with the Film Censorship Institution (LSF) to perform the sensor towards infotainment. "In P3SPS is clear that non-factual programs must pass through the sensor. And that we will discuss with the film censors," said Chairman of the KPI Dadang Rahmat Hidayat.

4 Control Points

The meeting resulted in four points related to the status and the consequences deal infotainment after designated as non-factual impressions.

1. House of Representatives Commission I with the KPI and the Press Council have agreed that the program was broadcast infotainment and reality shows and the like do a lot of violations of religious norms, moral ethics, social norms, code of ethics and P3SPS KPI.

2. House of Representatives Commission I fully support the efforts undertaken steps to revise the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission P3SPS especially pengkategorisasian infotainment programs broadcast reality show and a similar program from the program into nonfaktual factual impressions.

3. House of Representatives Commission I appreciate and welcome the attitude of the Press Council which states that the authority to decide the status of the KPI infotainment programs, reality shows, and the like in accordance with the No. Act 32 in 2002 about broadcasting.

4. Commission I affirm that the KPI has the authority to impose administrative penalties against broadcasters who violate the Act 32 in 2002 about broadcasting and related government regulations and P3SPS. This decision is binding and must immediately be evaluated by KPI of infotainment. "This conclusion is bound to be implemented," explained Hassanudin. (DTC /

Suppress Education

By: Rinto Tampubolon

"Education is liberating and empowering students is education which students can listen to voice their genuine. Teaching and allowing them to hear their own voice rather than a voice from the outside including the voices of educators." (Paulo Freire)

A few days ago, a group discussion we discussed about the demise of the student movement on campus. We picked this topic to be discussed because the campus really see how the potential leaders of nations that produce qualified. In fact, the national leaders in this nation was born from the movement of students, including our founding fathers, Sukarno-Hatta.

A speaker of this discussion to analyze the multiple causes of death of the movement of students who currently purely based on his observations on his campus. He sees a drastic change from the student movement began to range in 1998 (the reform era) until this year (post-reform).

When the reform era, the student movement at the climax of the action, which is capable of doing the resistance movement together with the community and politicians to oppose the regime of oppression (late) at the time of Suharto. Students then become the motor that drives every element of society to rise against the oppressors. But now, the student movement into a movement of passive, pragmatic and opportunistic. Many of the student movement, which even became ruler of the state nor compromise on campus. Student movement even used as a tool for students ripple reducer critical.

Students Nirnasionalis

No doubt, the behavior of current students, consciously or unconsciously-formed into an ignorant, selfish, pragmatic, hedonic, opportunistic and nirnasionalis. Mental nationalism and integrity are influenced by the swift currents of globalization. In our discussion of observation presenters, he says "when viewed in a class that contains the student number of 40 people, then 15 people will talk about a brand new HP laptop, 10 people will talk about his status on facebook social networking, 10 people will talk about given task lecturers, four people will tell you about their lover. Stay a person who thinks about the destruction of this nation and how to build it. "

This behavior is very dangerous for the students as future leaders of the nation. Even a threat to the changes that had been envisioned. Amidst the many problems this nation, should the student become a person who prepares himself to take part in the change itself. Very paradox!

Yet, oddly enough though the government is deliberately looking at the condition, marked by the enactment of curriculum that castrating the rights of students to organize. Students are now burdened with the task demands that always pile up every day. Not only that, the semester credit system (SKS) has also been packaged so that every student is forced to quickly complete the lecture.

At first glance, this policy is considered good because every student can become a scholar in a short time. But, without our knowing it, in fact the government is to produce graduates who "defect" critical power. Students also are aware of a student who "tamed" to the party despite the imposed unjustly rectorate with sepihaknya policy. Kongkretnya example, although the tuition at the University of North Sumatra rose 100 percent, but students who want to feel rejected demonstrating the increase was only about 200 people from the number of students around tens of thousands of people. In fact, the Student Executive Body (BEM) can not do anything about it. Student movements had been "toothless" now. The activists, many of which take the profit (Opportunity) of any problems.

Recurring history

However, this condition can not be separated from the history of this nation. It is true what bung Karno warned that "history will be repeated, so you should never forget history."

In the colonial era, the student activists into "brain" of the freedom that we now feel. Starting from the birth of Budi Utomo, the emergence of Ki Hajar Tara Council, until the father proclaimer we are all students who are nationalists, critically and with integrity. Even in his book "Why sue Indonesian Education", M. Yamin told that the new order era, Sukarno, Indonesia's education building by establishing universities that gave birth to the nation of thinkers and builders of that period. Sukarno realized then, that education will produce leaders of character that the nation can finally build this nation.

But halfway through, Suharto make education a tool of power. The scholars are "insane" positions will be worn, but the student activists who criticize its policies are wrong, promptly eliminated. It's common knowledge, that has a lot of people who disappeared during the reign of a new order. Ironic indeed.

As a result, today's generation is born a weak and a loser mentality. Student movements confined to revolutionary change. Systems like this are the remains of a new order system that uses education as a tool of power. Authorities (government and rectorate) feel calm if there is no demonstration that those who reject the unilateral policy. On the contrary, will be furious if they see the student protests in the streets or on campus who reject the rotten policies.

Educational Style Bank

Such oppressive style of education that Freire is defined as "bank-style education." Freire's contemporaries who criticized the government of repression by educating people to become subject to the government. Teachers become a tool of government to provide lessons that are not critical to the students, so that the knowledge students have never exceeded the teacher. And Freire rate "bank-style education" as one who cemented his source of oppression and silence (Esni.N).

Our education even when this is exactly what Freire formulated in a "bank-style education" is. The government still does not want people aware and critical. Rectorate party was also in a university still wants his students to be students who are passive and uncritical. Authorities still want us all to sleep soundly in our oppression be smooth.

Finally, I can conclude that our current education is still an oppressive education. It's not a free education, which produce the next generation is thirsty for change and love of the homeland. Alas, alas, my country. ***

The writer is a student majoring in English Language and Literature Unimed, Concern Campus Administrators Discussion Group, and was active in the parchment.

Duel with the Thief, Husaini Critical Direncong

With violent crime victims in the back eating area Langsa. This time the victim is Husain (34), Bani Lhok Village residents, District of West Langsa, Langsa. This man was stabbed with a blade of rencong right on the right side of the abdomen and chest during a duel with an unknown thief indetitasnya.

According to the victim's wife, Rohani (29) to Prohaba Langsa when found in hospitals, it happened before the dawn prayer, Wednesday (14 / 7) at around 4:30 pm. Her husband is still asleep suddenly woke up by hearing strange noises in the surrounding shops (kiosks), which sell grocery items in a single building with a house.

It turns out that strange noise comes from the movement of a thief who entered the stall. Thieves entered through the kitchen window which has been deprived of the glass. "While ensuring there is a thief, my husband scream thieves," said Rohani.

But the thief ran away, but instead confine Husaini not to shout again while pointing a sharp weapon (rencong). Screams woke her husband joined the Spiritual. Seeing the situation was serious, just offer it on the thief to retrieve their possessions, but asked not to hurt her husband who was then still in sekapan.

"When I say do not harm my husband and I invited to take what's in the house, the thief who did not wear the mask even snapped at me. Then the thief had ordered me to open the front door of the house to make it easier to escape, "said Rohani.

According to the victim's wife, before the thief fled he had kicked his son who was still sitting on the bench an elementary class, for attempting to approach his father. But when the door is already open and the perpetrator to flee, her husband suddenly had a fight. That's when a brief fight broke out and ended up with stab wounds to the abdomen and chest Husaini.

"My husband fell drenched in blood due to stab Rencong. After a while people who came to help, "said Rohani. Before the escape, the thief also had the chance to take the Spiritual wallet that contains the money of Rp 500,000 and other berharaga letter.

Police Langsa AKBP Yosi Muhamartha through Kapolsek West Langsa questioned PPA Kasnap SE Prohaba justify the incident. Police also have done crime scene and found several pieces of evidence such as rencong who stabbed the victim and perpetrator sandals. Police are still investigating the case.

In Langsa Hospital, until around 10:30 pm yesterday, the victim is still critical and not faint. The victim arrived at the Emergency Room (ER) Hospital Langsa from 05.00 hrs. New doctors surgery preparations around 11:00 am, yesterday. (

Water Supply Strategic Plan socialized


Strategic Plan (Strategic Plan) Drinking Water Program and Environmental Health (AMPL), East Aceh, Monday (12 / 7) socialized in the auditorium of the local Bappeda. Rentra it aims to assist the establishment of facilities and drinking water and sanitation infrastructure in East Aceh lingkunggan optimally. Including various aspects of supporting, in the form of technical, institutional, financial, social and environmental issues.

Regional Secretary of East Aceh Regency, Syaifannur, SH, MM, when the opening ceremony Penyususnan Socialization and Drinking Water Program Strategic Plan and Environmental Health (AMPL) explains, the local government warmly welcome the program, so that the target will be achieved in this program not only government tangungjawab , but also society and all stakeholders in the district of Aceh Timu.

"Therefore, the development of facilities and infrastructure should begin placing the target communities as subjects of development. Thus, the public really understand and engage in the process of Development as accountability, "he said. (

Students Participate MUQ Scout Jamboree in South Korea

Anis Ilyani (16), level II grader Ulumul Quran Madrasah Aliyah (MUQ) Dayah Foundation Bustanul Langsa Ulum, was chosen along with 20 other students to follow the Boy Scout Jamboree Asia-Pacific, which took place in South Korea (ROK) in August. For MUQ Langsa, these achievements is the second time after the previous one also went to Japanese students.

Anis Ilyani, accompanied by the Head of Talent Development Institute MUQ, Drs Wiyono Budi Wahyudi, in a brief interview with Porch, Wed (14 / 7), said her departure to South Korea representing the province of Aceh along with dozens of other students, from various schools Tertiary education, which has been selected some time ago.

"It's an honor for us to represent Aceh. God willing, will leave for Banda Aceh on 26 July 2010, then fly to South Korea beginning in August, "said the daughter's birth Bireuen. Anis expect support and prayers from all students and the people of Aceh, Aceh province in order to achieve the glorious achievements.

Meanwhile, Drs Wiyono Budi Wahyudi said the departure of South Korean students to foster an achievement the second time, where before the era of the 2000s, a santriwati MUQ also follow the Boy Scout Jamboree in Japanese. (