Read In Critical

Critical thinking is "a careful assessment and not in a hurry to whether we should accept, reject or suspend the assessment of a declaration, and the level of confidence with which we accept or reject it."
from Critical Thinking by Moore and Parker.

Strategies For Reading In Critical

Ask the following questions in your own self:

* What topic?
* What conclusions drawn by the author about the topic?
* What reasons the author stated that reliable?
o Beware that no objective reasons (such as pity, fear, penyalahguaan
statistics, etc.) that can deceive the reader.
* Does the author use facts or opni?
o Facts can be proven.
o Opinion can not be proven and may not mimiliki strong foundation.
* Does the author use words or emotionally neutral?
o Critical readers look beyond the words to find out whether the obvious reasons.

Characteristics of Critical Thinking

* They are honest with ourselves
* They resist manipulation
* They overcome confusion
* They asked
* They based their assessment on evidence
* They look for relationships between topics
* They are free intellectually

Adapted from Critical Thinking by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero

'Headquarters' raided Missionaries

* WH Residents Find Evidence of U.S. Involvement in Action apostasy
Officers Wilayatul Hisbah (WH) and the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) of West Aceh, Monday (26 / 7) morning, raided a rented house in Jalan Merdeka Suak Indrapuri No.3 Village, Kecamatan Johan Pahlawan, Aceh Barat, the during this supposed to be a "headquarters" home missionaries of North Sumatra (Sumatera) in rallies apostasy and faith in the regions flanking it.

In these raids, the officers were forced to disassemble the door of the house on the right side, because the house was contracted until 2012 was in a state of locked and abandoned by the tenant after the bending action of apostasy and creeds are quite disturbing, it is known locals.

After successfully breaking into the door, accompanied by officers who took part owner of the house, immediately conduct a search throughout the house including the second floor. In this search, officers found the WH and Satpol PP is some evidence, which reinforce the notion that a house which was contracted on behalf Nurlela Sitepu was used as a "headquarters" missionary.

Evidence is found that, among others, one cross, one Gospel, two books of Psalms, the books without religion, reading books to Jesus Christ as much as 60 fruits, 10 rocorder cassette tapes, 45 DVDs, 53 sheets of prayer to the prophet Jesus, and a certificate of baptism in the name of Nurlena. Officers also found evidence of involvement and document a foreigner (WNA), an American (U.S.) and his family, who had expelled the local residents action since the issue of apostasy was a missionary and spread in the community.

The involvement of foreign parties
Head of Civil Service and Police Unit Wilayatul Hisbah (Satpol PP and WH), Aceh Barat, H Teuku Dadek SH Ahmad told reporters, yesterday said that, based on evidence that they get at home that are contracted by the Nurlena Cs, it has found the fact that U.S. citizens evicted before it was something to do with the alleged missionary who successfully uncovered. However, concerning the extent of foreign involvement, he admitted must mendalaminya first.

The reason, said Dadek, in addition to finding important documents stating the working relationship between Nurlena Cs with U.S. citizens, institutions and foundations that helped spread the auspices of the mission in West Aceh, a non-Muslim religious institutions and institutions that are expected to develop their religion in West Aceh.

Even more worrying again, according Dadek, foundation work, site of the foreigner's office or work area it is available at the City of Banda Aceh, Blang Pidie and Simeulue District. And not a possibility, a number of other districts have also been infiltrated by foreign citizens as well as other missionaries, to search for Muslims as followers of their religion.

Secure ID card number
It also found a number of file copies of identity cards (KTP) at the rented house, but who has now secured identity is yet to be traced, whether citizen ID card that the relationship with the missionaries or whether it has dimurtadkan, it can not explain it.

"The institution where the work of the missionaries was indeed a clear goal as Christianity, because the foundation and its sponsor is the Baptist Foundation of Indonesia, with the address of its head office in Jakarta and has a network abroad," added Dadek. Dadek Ahmad also told that efforts to apostasy and flanking creed never happen in Meulaboh, West Aceh, in 1965 ago. However, because the local Muslim community is so sensitive, that event eventually turned into a riot among religious believers. "So, for foreign citizens or foreign citizens of non-Muslims in Aceh, so please do not develop to the citizens understand our religion here," he warned.

After securing the whole of the evidence and the signing of the minutes of the handover to the owner of the house, referred to the evidence until now has been secured at the headquarters of WH West Aceh to further investigation. "We are continuing to investigate this case, because there is much evidence that must be learned in order to uncover all the facts," concluded Kasatpol PP and WH West Aceh.


Assistance Team Dicecar East Aceh DPRK Special Committee

East Aceh DPRK committee grilling the local Regent Assistance Team with 18 questions, in a meeting that took place Monday (26 / 7), the DPRK building space. Team assistance (TA) invited the Special Committee in connection with the development of the central government. In a meeting that began around 10:00 and ends 12:00 pm, the committee questioned the presence of TA in the evaluation meeting on 8 April 2010 and then. In addition, they also questioned the legality of the TA. The question was submitted by committee members, Muzakkir and Abdul Hamid.

Other questions are also provided Muslims A Gani, Mirnawati, and Tajul Ula. Of all the questions, assistance team members did not answer the related financial issues, including financial PT Trilion Glory International. Gani Muslims argue, the government halted construction of the center, because the TA does not work from the structure of government, but to help the regents. "What reason today it stopped the government center. Why TGI stop the job, "said Gani Muslim.

While responding to some questions that are almost similar, the TA said, they admitted pushing the technical tools to accelerate the development process of the government center that performed well. After the meeting, the Special Committee again held a meeting with several reporters at the DPRK Chairman workspace East Aceh.

Present at the meeting, the Special Committee Coordinator Mirnawati, Ula Tajul Special Committee Chairman, and members of the Special Committee Gani Muslim. Chairman of the Special Committee Tajul Ula said it did not want to blame anyone, but wants the government center construction soon resumed. The committee, he said, still running the legal process of problem

While Mirnawati mention, question the strangeness of the Special Committee on December 28, 2010 and then, in which time it performed the contract, the proposal amprahan, application delivery field, and bank guarantees. "This was done at the same time," said Mirna. When asked what the final conclusions related to the calling of this TA, Mirnawati answer, yet it gives a conclusion and continued to explore the concrete data. In fact, in the near future it was likely the TA will be called back. The committee called for is sufficient evidence of TA where TA's involvement in the matter. "There is no any political deal in exposing this issue," he said. (

Tim Asistensi Dicecar Pansus DPRK Aceh Timur

Pansus DPRK Aceh Timur mencecar Tim Asistensi Bupati setempat dengan 18 pertanyaan, dalam rapat yang berlangsung Senin (26/7), di ruang gedung DPRK. Tim asistensi (TA) diundang Pansus dalam kaitannya dengan pembangunan pusat pemerintah. Dalam rapat yang dimulai sekitar pukul 10.00 dan berakhir 12.00 WIB itu, Pansus mempertanyakan kehadiran TA dalam rapat evaluasi pada 8 April 2010 lalu. Selain itu, mereka juga mempertanyakan legalitas TA. Pertanyaan itu disampaikan anggota Pansus, Muzakkir dan Abdul Hamid.

Pertanyaan lainya juga disampaikan Muslim A Gani, Mirnawati, dan Tajul Ula. Dari semua pertanyaan itu, anggota tim asistensi tidak bisa menjawab terkait masalah keuangan, termasuk keuangan PT Trilion Glory International. Muslim Gani berpendapat, pembangunan pusat pemerintahan terhenti, karena TA tidak bekerja dari struktur pemerintahan, tetapi membantu bupati. “Alasan apa hari ini pusat pemerintahan tersebut terhenti. Kenapa TGI menghentikan pekerjaannya,” tanya Muslim Gani.

Sementara menanggapi sejumlah pertanyaan yang hampir senada, TA mengatakan, mereka mengaku mendorong perangkat teknis mempercepat proses pembangunan pusat pemerintahan agar dilaksanakan dengan baik. Usai rapat tersebut, Pansus kembali menggelar rapat dengan sejumlah wartawan di ruang kerja Ketua DPRK Aceh Timur.

Hadir dalam pertemuan tersebut, Kordinator Pansus Mirnawati, Ketua Pansus Tajul Ula, dan anggota Pansus Muslim Gani. Ketua Pansus Tajul Ula mengatakan, pihaknya tidak ingin menyalahkan siapa- siapa, namun menginginkan agar pembangunan pusat pemerintahan segera dilanjutkan kembali. Pansus, katanya, tetap menjalankan proses hukum dalam masalah tersebut

Sementara Mirnawati menyebutkan, Pansus mempertanyakan keanehan pada tanggal 28 Desember 2010 lalu, di mana waktu itu dilakukan kontrak, usul amprahan, permohonan penyerahan lapangan, dan garansi bank. “Ini dilakukan dalam waktu bersamaan,” sebut Mirna. Saat ditanya apa kesimpulan akhir terkait pemanggilan TA ini, Mirnawati menjawab, pihaknya belum memberikan kesimpulan dan terus menelusuri data- data kongkrit. Bahkan, dalam waktu dekat ini tidak tertutup kemungkinan TA akan dipanggil kembali. Pansus memanggil TA karena sudah cukup bukti di mana keterlibatan TA dalam masalah itu. “Tidak ada deal politik apa pun dalam mengungkap masalah ini,” sebutnya.(