PNS Langsa Abandoned Housing Projects

* USD $ 2 Billion Loss Partners More

Development of 500 units of housing for Civil Servants (PNS) in the neighborhood in the hills Pemko Langsa Bujok Seuleumak Paya Village, District Langsa Baroe, reportedly abandoned since the last two years. As a result, partners who have completed a five percent job loss claim to $ 2 billion more. Pemko berjuanji Langsa own party will finalize the housing project's civil servants.

Bardan Abubakar, as the partner managing the construction of houses Pemko Langsa PNS from PT Beuna Benefits, told reporters on Wednesday (7 / 7), said the construction of 500 housing units under the Civil Servants Corps Officer of the Republic of Indonesia (KORPRI) Langsa carried out in accordance with Letter Agreement No. : 1928/2006 Year in 2006.

In the deal, called Abubakar, executive partner willing to build housing for civil servants with a home warranty which will be completed by Civil Servants Pemko Langsa purchased through funds Consideration Agency of Civil Servants Housing Savings (Bapertarum-PNS).

He added, as the executor immediately implement such development, it must use its own capital. A total of 20 units of type 36 houses have been completed and is ready to be occupied with cost USD 2 billion more.

But until 2010, although the agreement been amended several times, but no one else who bought a house civil servants in accordance with the guarantee given by the party which is headed KORPRI Langsa Secretary Pemko Langsa. As a result, partners can not continue its work to complete another 480 housing units.

"This issue has been a protracted and Secretary Langsa a few times already I have met always said he would follow up on complaints that occurred. But until now there is no any response from those concerned, so I felt disadvantaged, "said Abubakar Bardan.

While Secretary Langsa, Syaifullah SH, who also serves as Chairman confirmed KORPRI Langsa journalists some time ago say the current Pemko KORPRI Langsa and are trying to reestablish the cooperation with Bapetarum, so that the development house that civil servants can go smoothly.

During this time, said Secretary, the agreement between the parties Bapetarum Langsa Pemko not made in writing, thus ending the housing construction has stalled. "We really are working to build houses that can be re-worked civil servants. But now we're in communication with the first Bapetarum. So we hope to partner to be patient, "said Secretary Syaifullah. (

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