Sign In New Santri MUQ Start Boarding

* Disallow Use HP

Hundreds of students who recently graduated from testing Ulumul Quran Madrasah Langsa, starting 10-11 July 2010 had gone into their respective dormitories. The students were comprised of hundreds of students and dozens of levels tsnawiyah aliyah rates. While for two days ahead of the new students were expected to follow ta'aruf at the local campus.

Porch observations, the students who passed came from various areas in Aceh and North Sumatra. Interests of citizens to send their children in a modern boarding schools are increasingly meningakt from year to year. This year the committee memberlukan direct students into dormitories when registration re-done.

In a meeting with students at the mosque complex guardians MUQ, Head of Islamic Junior Busra MPD Amir said, for a more glorious achievement in the future, it takes the role of students and parents. "In fact, we have opened classes tahfid (memorize the Quran). Expected that students will be able to compete Quranic-based technology, "he said.

Meanwhile, Mudir Ulum Madrasah Quran Ulum Bustanul Foundation Langsa, M Yunus Nurdin offend the moral importance of a students who will be forged to become a man at the seminary. In this case, the institute has issued strict rules that prohibit students perform actions that could threaten the moral, as well as the use of HP.

"We do not tolerate the use of HP. For students who wish to communicate with parents, we provide telephone. Or guardian may request help and cleric dorm here, "he said, as he claims will continue to improve facilities for the institution. (

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