Water Supply Strategic Plan socialized


Strategic Plan (Strategic Plan) Drinking Water Program and Environmental Health (AMPL), East Aceh, Monday (12 / 7) socialized in the auditorium of the local Bappeda. Rentra it aims to assist the establishment of facilities and drinking water and sanitation infrastructure in East Aceh lingkunggan optimally. Including various aspects of supporting, in the form of technical, institutional, financial, social and environmental issues.

Regional Secretary of East Aceh Regency, Syaifannur, SH, MM, when the opening ceremony Penyususnan Socialization and Drinking Water Program Strategic Plan and Environmental Health (AMPL) explains, the local government warmly welcome the program, so that the target will be achieved in this program not only government tangungjawab , but also society and all stakeholders in the district of Aceh Timu.

"Therefore, the development of facilities and infrastructure should begin placing the target communities as subjects of development. Thus, the public really understand and engage in the process of Development as accountability, "he said. (serambinews.com)

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