CND-Malaysia STIKES Education Sign MOU

Health Science High School (STIKES) Cut Nyak Dhien Education Foundation (CND) Langsa menadatangani cooperation MoU with the Management and Science University (MSU) of Malaysia in the field of education and health.

Chairman of the Education Foundation of Cut Nyak Dhien Langsa, Ir H Zainal Abidin BIE MM to Porch, Saturday (24 / 7), said the MoU signing cooperation contracts made after his side mengakaji and passing through the stages of negotiations and mutual understanding in the field of education and health.

Signing directly carried out the President Management and Science University in Shah Alam Selangor Malaysia, Prof. Dato 'Wira Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid and Chairman STIKES Cut Nyak Dhien Langsa, H Abdul Hayat SKM MKes in Banda Aceh, Aceh province witnessed the head of Health, recently.

In jelasakan, points the signing of MOU in the field of health education with MSU Malaysia, among others, both parties agreed to work together in improving the quality of education STIKES Langsa CND.

Later, MSU serves as the venue for education and research, while STIKES Cut Nyak Dhien serve as the providers of health education courses and community service, with learner students, faculty, and staff Prodi various fields of health studies in STIKES Cut Nyak Dhien.

"In the future, graduates of health workers STIKES Cut Nyak Dhien become health professionals, responsible and have the quality in the industry," he said as he expects, CND can provide the best role for the advancement of higher education in Langsa. (

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