Parliament, KPI, the Press Council Agree Sensors Infotainment

Working meeting between the House of Representatives Commission I with the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) and the Press Council agreed to change the status of non-factual infotainment into the program. All three agencies agreed to hold the sensor towards infotainment.

"House of Representatives Commission I fully support the efforts undertaken steps to revise the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission P3SPS especially categorization of factual infotainment broadcast programs into nonfaktual," said Leadership Meeting, Vice-Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission I express conclusions TB Hassanudin working meeting of DPR's Commission I, KPI, and the Press Council in the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday (14 / 7).

This decision was taken because the third-rate institutions often broadcast infotainment and reality shows doing a lot of violations of religious norms, moral ethics, social norms. Therefore, the absolute form the sensor must be done. "It also violates journalistic ethics and P3SPS KPI," explained Hassanudin.

KPI also welcomed this agreement. KPI ready to cooperate with the Film Censorship Institution (LSF) to perform the sensor towards infotainment. "In P3SPS is clear that non-factual programs must pass through the sensor. And that we will discuss with the film censors," said Chairman of the KPI Dadang Rahmat Hidayat.

4 Control Points

The meeting resulted in four points related to the status and the consequences deal infotainment after designated as non-factual impressions.

1. House of Representatives Commission I with the KPI and the Press Council have agreed that the program was broadcast infotainment and reality shows and the like do a lot of violations of religious norms, moral ethics, social norms, code of ethics and P3SPS KPI.

2. House of Representatives Commission I fully support the efforts undertaken steps to revise the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission P3SPS especially pengkategorisasian infotainment programs broadcast reality show and a similar program from the program into nonfaktual factual impressions.

3. House of Representatives Commission I appreciate and welcome the attitude of the Press Council which states that the authority to decide the status of the KPI infotainment programs, reality shows, and the like in accordance with the No. Act 32 in 2002 about broadcasting.

4. Commission I affirm that the KPI has the authority to impose administrative penalties against broadcasters who violate the Act 32 in 2002 about broadcasting and related government regulations and P3SPS. This decision is binding and must immediately be evaluated by KPI of infotainment. "This conclusion is bound to be implemented," explained Hassanudin. (DTC /

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