--Zaki Fuad Chalil
Today we commemorate the anniversary of the Prayer of the 1433 year. Prayer command as the two pillars of Islam required Muslims to Allah Almighty as the fruit of the hands of the Prophet Muhammad received directly at the ascension and the "audience" directly with God Almighty on the night of Rajab 27-11 prophetic years or two years before the Prophet Muhammad emigrated to Medina.
Prayer was a very special worship and the most important position in the vanguard of Islam so that he became a separator between the infidels and Muslims, besides Allah he became a guarantee of prevention of indecency and munkar (QS, al-Ankabut/29/45) if the ritual prayer five when implemented as a guide and example of the Messenger of Allah. But this is a stark contrast from the present reality so that the implementation of the prayers performed by Muslims as no impression on the reality of life. It is proved empirically that prevention hope vices as the fruit salad was not proven implementation grandeur even mosques were not in line with efforts to prevent nahi munkar in the middle of the everyday Muslim society so menjamurkan munkar behavior by those who pray.
Vision Prayer as written in the Sura al-Ankabut paragraph 45 above, which guarantee the prevention of indecency and munkar be elaborated symbolically through prayer legal terms, the movements in prayed and prayed berjemaah.
From there some legal conditions Prayer significant four main requirements in relation to the implementation of Islamic law in Aceh. First, human life is inseparable from the dimension of time, because with the wheels of history waktulah human life proceed. So that people can understand the history of his life he must understand the time (present, past and tomorrow). Waiver of time will result in his isolation from its history, which in turn will give birth to stagnation because he knows of no dynamism. This is the symbolic meaning of knowing the time when they wanted to conduct prayers. For that dark history of the past should be thrown away so that we may be facing a brighter future.
Second, before salat we must cleanse ourselves from all forms of unclean (feces), whether sports, places, clothing and soul. The meaning of this symbol is that every Muslim must always be sacred in life. But the Muslim should be protected from all forms of negative work, such as: corruption, collusion, manipulation, prostitution and so forth.
Third, close the genitals, which cover parts of the body are not allowed to be seen. This requirement is ethical in terms of clothing when facing Allah swt. If this behavior is trained every day, then someone will get accustomed to life a beautiful and clean every time.
Fourth, the person who will be formally required to pray facing the Qibla in Mecca. Besides showing the orbital motion, prayed facing the Qibla is symbolically shows the similarities and our solidarity, which in turn will form a unity of mankind (al-umma Alone, unity of mankind). This unity manifested by consensus, and togetherness are seen when people pray with the worship of one God, facing the same direction, doing the same motion and the imitation of the same prophet as well as guided by the instructions the same life that is perfect Alquranul tuntunannya karim. With this symbolic meaning, let us promote the importance of enforcement of Islamic law with the mission of unity and common vision of God's grace menyonsong decline for justice and prosperity for all creatures under the mercy of Allah swt.
Symbols Prayer movement
If calculated on a metematis, the overall movement of Prayer show number 360 degrees, a number that indicates the orbital motion. Calculation of 360 degrees was obtained from the accumulation of five stages of Prayer movement. The first stage is the attitude of standing perfectly parallel to the vertical plane. This phase shows zero degrees.
The second stage is the perfect bowing attitude that will form a right angle projection of 90 degrees tehadap vertical plane. The third stage is the perfect first prostration attitude that will form the obtuse angle 135 degrees of projection on a vertical plane. The fourth stage is the perfect posture that will make an angle of zero degrees. The fifth stage is the second prostration perfect attitude that will form a 135-degree angle to the vertical plane. Circular motion is the motion of the universe that moves continuously as sunnatullah.
Prayer Movement describes the ideal symbol of leadership. Head of the brain where there is a coordinator of activities of the human body. At the time of prayer, the head must move above (while standing), in the middle (while bowing), and under (when prostration). This is significant, a leader, whatever their position, must consider the aspirations of those they lead. He should be consultation with people in high places in a democratic manner. He should see the state and hear the voice of middle-class people. He also should come down to pay attention to commonness and the key issue for people and figuring out how best solution to diterapikan.
Symbols Prayer berjemaah
Prayer congregation a symbol of community life. Prayer Imam dinalogikan as pemimpim community, while congregation described by community members. Prayer congregation has certain rules of society also has rules. This mechanism describes the mechanism of prayer congregation daily community life.
A person who would be priests have certain criteria that must be met for worship leadership legitimate and approved by the congregation. It indicates the acceptability requirements and capabilities of a leader. This means that a leader capable of performing tasks that would be his responsibility.
Analogous congregation as a community member or his subordinates. Congregation behind the imam, straighten and close ranks, have a sincere intention to always follow the priest gestures. From the example of this analogy can be understood that the members of the public or a subordinate position further down the leader. They had to execute a job with the straight (right) and united (gotongroyong). They would willingly follow the correct rules of leadership. Community members have the status of each. Describe the heterogeneity of heterogeneity congregation community.
Prayer Movement congregation is a collective movement, ie movements performed together after the priest gives an example. Prayer berjemaah symbolic meaning is supposed to serve as patron of the implementation of Islamic law in Aceh since 2002 until now, announced in gaungnya fade in our communities.
* Dr. Fuad Chalil Zaki, M. Ag is a lecturer in the Faculty of Syariah IAIN Ar-Raniry.
Prayers, from ritual to Actual
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