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Acehnese students in Jakarta FOBA Sales Decline
Students who are members of Aceh in Jakarta in Aceh Students and Youth Committee as the Archipelago (KMPAN), expressed concern and disapproval of the plan and the Student Foundation Student Wisma Indonesia (WMPI) who intends to sell Aceh student dormitory in Singapore, better known as FOBA (Found Oentoek Help Atjeh).

The students also protested some time ago, by way of scribbling on the walls of pride the people of Aceh's dormitory. In a written statement sent to the Home Bureau KMPAN Langsa few days ago, mentioned that the Acehnese students in Jakarta and across Indonesia will be in action when the party imposing WMPI Foundation dorm FOBA desire to sell an asset that in fact the people of Aceh.

According Chalil Ilyas, Secretary General KMPAN, students in Jakarta, Aceh still refuse the sale of student dormitories to third parties by the foundation, because FOBA Aceh had become an irreplaceable asset in the capital Jakarta.

Chalil be said, it is also very disappointed with the foundation's arrogance, because the foundation quietly doing its action on the pretext that the assets now in the middle of the city is no longer strategic to be occupied by students.

"These assets have a high selling price, they will build a 20 floor apartment and the funds will be returned to students in the form of scholarships or find another hostel which was situated on the outskirts of Jakarta, which is much cheaper price. That's their promise, but so far students living in FOBA neglected, ranging from payment of electricity, money cleanliness, condition of room is not fit to live, "wrote Chalil.

Surprisingly again, he said, the deed of the foundation has now become the foundation FOBA WMPI. Where changes are also not conducted openly in any forum. In fact, August 5, 2010 boarder FOBA students reported by the foundation to the police, with charges of vandalism acts against their office. Police Sector Setia Budi FOBA students finally called for questioning as a witness.

"This FOBA for Acehnese students studying in Jakarta, we request the support of the community and leaders of Aceh to defend it," said Chalil. Related to these issues, Chalil admitted it had berkoordiansi with all existing student representation throughout the archipelago, such as IMAPA Jakarta, Bandung IKAPA, IPTR in Medan, Surabaya PMKTR, HIMPAC in Padang, IMTR in Bogor, IPAS in Semarang, Jogjakarta TPA, IPPMA Malang, break-even and Himpasay.

At least 20 thousand students will be faced with the foundation, if the foundation still obtrude to sell FOBA. Students in Aceh release also requested the Government to intervene related problems.

In a statement, also mentioned, Sayuti Abubakar SH, student attorney when facing the police reports related parties expressly foundation has sent a letter to the foundation and asking for immediate dialogue, but the foundation did not respond to the letter. Whereas the copy submitted to the regents and mayors in Aceh.

Information obtained by the Porch, the building used as a student dormitory in Aceh following the land area of over 3000 meters in the heart of the capital city of Jakarta, precisely in the area Setia Budi. According to the approximate value of USD 60 billion.

Developing information, FOBA is the compensation the Government of Indonesia to Aceh after the turmoil DI / TII in Aceh in 1953. At that time the Military Governor of Aceh, Muhammad David Beureueh Tgk. While other information mentioned assets were purchased by the people of Aceh at the time of David Beureueh appointed Governor. (

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